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After TP finished the 40-year wilderness course, they entered the age of settlement in Canaan restored the same position as in 1945, 40 years earlier.

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Presentation on theme: "After TP finished the 40-year wilderness course, they entered the age of settlement in Canaan restored the same position as in 1945, 40 years earlier."— Presentation transcript:

1 After TP finished the 40-year wilderness course, they entered the age of settlement in Canaan restored the same position as in 1945, 40 years earlier. God’s 7-year providence from 1945 to 1952 was then to be restored through a new 7-year providence, from 1986 to 1992. B.The New Start of the 7-Year Course for the Settlement in Canaan (1986~1992)

2 The model for the equalization of the world To make a model for the equalization of the world, each country should become part of a bloc beyond its national boundaries. e.g., Europe through EU Latin America through AULA North America through USA Eurasia through CIS etc.

3 Asia also must unite, forming an Asian Community centered on Korea, Japan and China. God’s providence: Unification of South and North Korea Unity of Korea and Japan Modernization of China

4 God’s providence to give birth to the Adam nation, Korea These nations must be united centered on Father. Eve nation ----Japan (capable human resource, economic power, technology) Abel nation ---USA (Christianity, political and military power, marine industry) Cain nation ---Germany (machinery)

5 1. Blessings 1986.04.12 --- 36 couples of the 2nd generation 1988.10.30 --- 6,500 couples Many were international exchanging marriage.

6 1989.01.11 --- 72 couples of the 2nd generation 1989.01.12 --- 1,275 couples 1992.04.10 --- 1,267 couples

7 1992.08.25 --- 30,000 couples

8 1988.09.17-30 --- in Seoul, Korea 2. The 24th Olympic Games

9 This was the celebration of Father’s victory through the 40(43)-year wilderness course. World-level Esau (athletes from 160 nations) and Jacob (UC missionaries from 120 nations) became one centered on True Parents. On this foundation True Parents restored the world- level elder sonship and could stand as world-level True Parents.

10 1988.10.03 Ceremony for the commencement of God’s Kingdom Korea established sister-nation relationships with 120 nations. 3.Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World (Kae Cheon Jeol)

11 1989.08.20 --- Proclamation of the Providential Age of Salvation through Love 1989.08.31 --- Proclamation of the “Day of Settlement of 8 Stages” Restoration of the birthright through 8 stages, both 8 vertical and 8 horizontal stages, was accomplished. 4.Providential Age of Salvation through Love, Day of Settlement of 8 Stages (Pal Jeon Shik) and Heavenly Parentism

12 1989.11.09 --- The Berlin Wall dividing East and West Germany fell. Changes after the Proclamation of Pal Jeon Sik

13 1989.12.02 --- G. Bush and M. Gorbachev proclaimed the end of the Cold War.

14 1990.10.03 --- Unification of East and West Germany 1991.12.02 --- M. Gorbachev resigned the presidency of the USSR.

15 1989.09.01 --- Proclamation of “Heavenly Parentism” “Heavenly Parentism” means “True Loveism,” no enemies opened the way to love and save even every enemy nation of God. Entered the new age of parentship, being able to inherit the mission of the Messiah as the Tribal Messiah. Until this day, it was the age of brotherhood.

16 1990.02.01-06 --- 3,561 locations in Korea 5. Father’s 70th Birthday Celebration

17 1990.04.09-13 11th World Media Conference 3rd Summit Council for World Peace 9th Conference of AULA 6. Moscow Rally

18 1990.04.11 --- Meeting with M. Gorbachev (Kremlin, Moscow) President Gorbachev invited True Parents with 28 former presidents and prime ministers.

19 After that True Father had a private meeting with M. Gorbachev.



22 ILS sponsored 3,000 Soviet students and professors in 1990 and 1991 to participate in leadership seminars in America. 7. International Leadership Seminar for Students from the Soviet Union

23 After 1991, Divine Principle workshops were held widely throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union for university students, high school students, professors, teachers, rectors, etc.



26 1991.08.19-21 --- The attempted coup détat


28 1987.05.15 --- The Citizens’ Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland 8. Activities for the Unification of Korea

29 1987.6.1~1988.12.31 --- 2nd mobilization of Blessed wives in Korea 1991.11.30~12.07 ---True Parents visited North Korea: 1989.02.01 --- “The Segye Times” was published.

30 1991.12.01 --- Meeting in the Mon Su Da congressional hall 1991.12.02 --- “Ceremony of Restoration” 1991.12.05 --- Father signed the joint communique and visited his hometown.

31 1991.12.06 --- Meeting with Premier Kim Il-sung


33 1990.08.02 ---Outbreak of the Persian Gulf Crisis, as the Iraq army occupied Kuwait 9. Activities for Peace in the Middle East

34 1990.10.21 --- Meeting of top leaders of Islam (Cairo, Egypt) 1991.01.17~02.28 --- The Gulf War During the Gulf War, Islamic leaders worked under Father’s guidance to maintain stability among the Moslem nations.

35 1991.07.01 10. Proclamation of God’s Eternal Blessing (7.1 Jeol) It was the Sabbath day for God: God’s Blessing would be eternal and unchanging. Until June 1991, True Parents set up the standard of restoration of cosmic elder sonship, parentship and kingship – Gods’ 3 Great Blessings. It was the day of proclamation of Tribal Messiah for all Blessed families.

36 1991.08.27 --- Interreligious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) 1991.08.28 --- Federation for World Peace (FWP) 11. New Organizations for World Peace

37 1992.04.10 --- Inaugural Rally of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)

38 1992.07.03 --- Leaders’ Conference of the Unification group 1992.07.06-09 --- WFWP Leader’s Rally 1992.08.24 --- 1st WCSF Celebration Banquet Proclamation as True Parents of all humanity, LSA, Messiah 12. Proclamation of the LSA

39 1992.08.19-30 --- 1st WCSF (Seoul) 13. World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF)

40 1986.04.12 --- Father was selected as the head of the Moon tribe. 14. Other Events 1987.05.31~06.04 ---1st Summit Council for World Peace 1987.07.10~12.20 ---Heung-jin Nim’s worldwide works on the earth

41 1987.08.02-08 --- 4th World CARP Convention (Berlin, West Germany)

42 1989.06.23 --- Ceremony to install Father as the Chairman of the Korean Root- Finding Association

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