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MALI. The first ruler was Sundiata. He built an army and conquered Mali’s independence from a harsh ruler. He conquered neighbors and Ghana in the 1230s.

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Presentation on theme: "MALI. The first ruler was Sundiata. He built an army and conquered Mali’s independence from a harsh ruler. He conquered neighbors and Ghana in the 1230s."— Presentation transcript:


2 The first ruler was Sundiata. He built an army and conquered Mali’s independence from a harsh ruler. He conquered neighbors and Ghana in the 1230s. Sundiata took over the salt, gold, and slave trades of the area. He improved agriculture and introduced cotton to the area.

3 Sundiata at the Battle of Kirina, where he defeated the previous ruler of Mali.

4 MALI Sundiata took power away from the local leaders. Leaders were called “Mansa”. They had both political and religious roles in the community. Sundiata died in 1255. Rulers that followed took the title “Mansa”. Many were Muslim.

5 MALI Mansa Musa was the most famous Malian ruler. Mali achieved the height of its wealth, power, and fame in the 1300s. He is the reason Islam spread throughout West Africa. He ruled for 25 years (1312-1337) He expanded trade and added cities to the empire. In 1324 Musa left on a pilgrimage to Mecca. This helped expand knowledge of Islam throughout Mali and spread the fame of the country.


7 Took 60,000 men, 12,000 slaves, and 80 camels. Musa brought 30,000 pounds of gold with him to Mecca. He gave gold to the poor he met along the way. He traveled nearly 4,000 miles.

8 MALI Mansa Musa died and his son Maghan took over. He was a weak leader so other peoples invaded. The raiders burnt down Timbuktu’s schools and mosques. In 1431 the Tuareg captured Timbuktu. By 1500 Mali was nearly nonexistent due to invaders taking over.

9 KAHOOT! Go to Enter pin. HAVE FUN

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