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Forschungsmethodik FOSE 2010. Theoretisierungsperspektive Strukturblick Kulturblick KognitivismusKonstruktivismus Struktur und GrenzeWelt der Bedeutung.

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Presentation on theme: "Forschungsmethodik FOSE 2010. Theoretisierungsperspektive Strukturblick Kulturblick KognitivismusKonstruktivismus Struktur und GrenzeWelt der Bedeutung."— Presentation transcript:

1 forschungsmethodik FOSE 2010

2 Theoretisierungsperspektive Strukturblick Kulturblick KognitivismusKonstruktivismus Struktur und GrenzeWelt der Bedeutung InnensichtUmweltsicht Reduktion vonDekonstruktion vonKomplexität ProblemlösungProblemproduktion Leistung / FunktionWerte/Sinn Isolierte ObjekteZusammenhänge Sektorale BetrachtungKontextuelle Betrachtung Ressource RegelRessource Möglichkeit Organisation d. Wiss.Ökologie d. Wissens Harte DatenWeiche Daten BerechnungErfahrung

3 Research Process II 1. PROJECT FRAMEWORK + problems to be clarified (what) + interest of knowlege (why) + research fields (where) + tools (how) 2. SECONDARY ANALYSIS + theory (books. articles) + research (books, reports) 3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK + working hypothesis + arguing hypothesis + indicators of problems to be analyzed 4. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK + decide qualitative or quantitative research + decide research object (people, institutes,…) + decide question / tools 5. TOOLS + develop tool structure (for interview, questionnaire….) + program (plan – when, who,…) + description – protocol 6. EVALUATION + Important (what was important) + Application (in order to verify or falsify the hypothesis 7. CONCLUSION (re-connect to starting, interests of knowledge questions: research, theories, society, education

4 How to do the research? I(a) The Linear Model PROBLEM define the problem! From the list of problems select the right one. SETTING UP THE QUESTIONS What are you trying to discover? From the main, leading question you have to go in to depth. brainstorming A PLAN, THEORY, MODEL At the beginning you have to decide witch model and theory shall you take – with the argumentation. You need a theory also with reason to improve it. HYPOTHESIS prove, that there is link between two different meanings, elements, subjects,.. From 20 different hypothesis select 5. With the help of the theory define the hypothesis.

5 How to do the research? I(b) The Linear Model DATA GATHERING DATA EVALUATION you need to connec to the leading theor lyoi have chosen before. HYPOTHESIS - EVALUATION confirmation or falsification, to confirm or refuse our hypothesis EXPLANATION We can change the hypothesis THEORY – RESULTS based on the research OPERATIONALISATION of the MAIN CONCEPT define the categories and variables and study thoroughly the causal – consecutive connection. examine closely the field of study.

6 How to do the research? II The Cyclic Model Example x RESEARCH EVALUATION Example 2 RESEARCH EVALUATION VALUE of THEORY Assumption about the problem IMPLEMENTATION comparison Example 1 RESEARCH EVALUATION comparison comparison

7 How to do the research? III AComplex Model of Research Procedure How to do the research? III A Complex Model of Research Procedure social problem theoryorder problem theory (+existing research) hypothesis social problem definition of terms isolation of relevant indicators operationalisation codes indicators relevant methods theory statistical evaluation criteria and tests sample (pretest) survey (data collection) evaluation and statisitical check interpretation (description analysis explanation) hypothesis presentation publications lectures exploration social problem discovery discovery context argumentation argumentation context application and action application and action context

8 How to do the research? IV ASimple Model of Research How to do the research? IV A Simple Model of Research problem definition choice of the problem theory- & hypothesis construction determination of methods determination of sources term definitions & operationalisation messuring data collection data interpretation data analysis presentation

9 References Used References (in German): Friedrich, Jürgen (1990): Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung. Opladen: West.dt. Verlag Hitzler, R. / Honer, A.: Sozialwissenschaftliche Hermeneutik. Eine Einführung Lamnek, Siegfried (1995) Qualitative Sozialforschung. Weinheim: Beltz Volume 1: Methodologie Volume 2: Methoden und Techniken Other Possible References (in English): Bryman, A. (1984): The debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Question of Method or Epistemoloy? In: Britisch Journal of Sociology, Vol. 35, S. 75-92 Denzin, Norman / Lincoln, Yvonna (eds.) (1998): The Landscape of Qualitative Research. Theories and Issues. Thousand Oaks: Sage Douglas, J.D. (1976): Investigative Social Research, London Gergen, Kenneth (2000): An Invitation to Social Construction. London: Sage Miller, Gale / Dingwall, Roberts (eds.) (1997): Context and Method in Qualitative Researche. London: Sage Seale, Clive (1999): The Quality of Qualiative research. London: Sage Bohnsack, Ralf (2007): Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. Einführung in qualitative Methoden. Opladen utb

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