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The Nominative and Accusative Cases!!

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Presentation on theme: "The Nominative and Accusative Cases!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nominative and Accusative Cases!!
Latin nouns have CASE, GENDER, NUMBER. 1. Case – an ending that shows how the noun functions in the sentence ex. Subject, direct object, possession… 2. Gender – a way of categorizing nouns into 3 forms: masculine, feminine, neuter 3. Number – the ending is either SINGULAR or PLURAL 4. Function – the use of a noun in a sentence.

2 Nominative and Accusative…
Nominative Case Endings show you the noun is the SUBJECT or PREDICATE NOUN in the LATIN sentence. Ex. Caecilius est pater. Ex. Metella laudat Grumionem. Ex. amicus salutat canem. Ex. Grumio coquit cibum. Accusative Case Endings show you the noun is the DIRECT OBJECT in the LATIN sentence. Ex. Caecilus vocat amicum. Ex. Quintus pavonem gustat. Ex. ancillam Metella vocat.

NOMINATIVE/SUBJECT ENDINGS: -us -a -er -ius -ō **These endings are all SINGULAR, subject endings ACCUSATIVE/DIRECT OBJECT ENDINGS: -am -um -em **These endings are all SINGULAR, direct object endings. There are 6 different CASES endings a Latin noun can have on it b/c there are 6 different FUNCTIONS of a noun in a sentence i.e. subject, possession, object of preposition, indirect object, direct object, and direct address (calling someone’s name).

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