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Latin I Midterm. Imperfect Tense Past Tense Was/were -ing Kept -ing Use to - Began to – Bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant Erat. Erant –was/were Poterat/poterant.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin I Midterm. Imperfect Tense Past Tense Was/were -ing Kept -ing Use to - Began to – Bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant Erat. Erant –was/were Poterat/poterant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin I Midterm

2 Imperfect Tense Past Tense Was/were -ing Kept -ing Use to - Began to – Bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant Erat. Erant –was/were Poterat/poterant was/were able

3 Chapter I Vocabulary Parts of Speech – Nouns: end –a (singular) – Adjectives: modify the noun; endings are the same – Verbs: end in –t (he or she does the verb)

4 Chapter 2 Vocabulary Subjects – Noun that does the action Verbs – Action or being (is) Linking verbs – Est (is)

5 Chapter 3 Vocabulary Nouns: Subjects – 1 st declension Singular –a Plural-ae – 2 nd declension Singular-us, r Plural –i – 3 rd declension Singular –could end in anything Plural-es

6 Chapter 4 Vocabulary Direct objects: Receive the action of the verb Noah kisses his mommy. Mommy is the direct object Endings – 1 st declension Singular –am Plural -as – 2 nd declension Singular-um Plural-os – 3 rd declension Singular-em Plural -es

7 Chapter 5/6 Vocabulary Complementary Infinitive – Complete the verb I want to ______ Infinitives end –re and translate as to ______ Amare –to love Videre- to see Ducere – to lead Venire- to come Genders – Masculine – Feminine – Neuter

8 Chapter 7 Vocabulary Nominative: Subject Accusative: Direct Object Endings

9 Chapter 8 Vocabulary Personal endings of verbs – O – I – S – you – T – he, she or it – mus- we – tis- you all – Nt- they Vocative- direct address Watch out, Marcus – Name ends in –us it become –e – Name ends in –ius it become –i – Use nominative endings for the rest

10 Chapter 9 Vocabulary Prepositional Phrases Two cases govern/take prepositions: ablative and accusative Prepositional Phrases – Ad villam : to the country house – In villa : in the country house

11 Chapter 10 Vocabulary Verb Conjugations – O, are 1 st – eo, ere 2 nd – O, ere 3 rd – io, ere 3 rd io – io, ire 4th Imperative: Commands – 1 st conjugation: singular –aplural –ate – 2 nd conjugation: singular –eplural –ete – 3 rd conjugation: singular –eplural – ite – 4 th conjugation: singular – i plural – ite – Dic: Say – Duc: lead – Fac: Make, do – Fer: Bring, carry

12 Chapter 11 Vocabulary Genitive shows possession Mrs. Strauss’ class or the class of Mrs. Strauss Endings – 1 st – singular –ae – Plural -arum –2–2 – singular –I – Plural -orum –3–3 – Singular- is – Plural-um

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