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Lesson I Roma et Italia.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson I Roma et Italia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson I Roma et Italia

2 aqua, aquae (feminine) water

3 īnsula, īnsulae (feminine)

4 silva, silvae (feminine)
forest, woods

5 via, viae (feminine) road, way, street

6 est is

7 sunt are

8 nōn not

9 et and

10 sed but

11 Roma est in Italia. Italia est in Europa. Britannia est in Europa
Roma est in Italia. Italia est in Europa. Britannia est in Europa. Britannia est insula. Italia non est insula. Italia paene (almost) est insula. Italia “paeninsula” est. Sicilia et Sardinia sunt insulae. Insulae in aqua sunt. Australia insula est, sed Asia non est insula.

12 in Graecia sed in Italia est. Est Graecia in Europa?
Sunt viae et silvae in paeninsula Italiae. Viae et silvae et paeninsulae in Europa sunt. Italia et Graecia et Hispania paeninsulae sunt. Roma non in Graecia sed in Italia est. Est Graecia in Europa? Est aqua in Antarctica, sed non sunt silvae in Antarctica. Silvae in Germania sunt. Est America insula?

13 Using your vocabulary words and this passage on p. 15
as a model, make up 3 additional Latin sentences. You may also use other –a words like Florida, Bermuda, India, Arabia, Virginia, Philadelphia, etc.

14 Nouns are the names of persons places or things.

15 Latin Nouns Have 4 Features
Case---how a noun works in its sentence. Number---whether a noun is singular or plural (singular=one, plural=more than one) Gender---whether a noun is masculine, feminine, or neuter. Declension---each noun belongs to one of the 5 declensions (groups of nouns that share the same pattern of endings)

16 1st Declension Nouns 1st declension nouns end in –a in the vocabulary list. Most 1st declension nouns are feminine. Let’s learn how to write a 1st declension noun on its “declension chart.” A declension chart shows the noun in all its cases (spellings). We’ll learn about how cases work later. For now, let’s just learn how to make the declension chart.

17 In Latin, the endings indicate the case of the noun.
Case Singular Plural Nominative a ae Genitive ae arum Dative ae is Accusative am as Ablative a is Example: insularum = plural genitive

18 Step 1 – Find the noun stem
The noun stem is found by dropping the genitive singular ending from the noun. Dictionary entry of a noun: Puella puellae, f girl Meaning Genitive singular Gender Nominative singular Puellae – ae = puell Noun Stem

19 Finding noun stems aqua, aquae (f.) aqu- insula, insulae (f.) insul-
silva, silvae (f.) silv- via, viae (f.) vi-

20 Pick any 2 other nouns from your vocabulary
Step 2: Add the case endings to the noun stem. Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Pick any 2 other nouns from your vocabulary words and decline them on a chart like this.

21 aqua, aquae (feminine) water

22 īnsula, īnsulae (feminine)

23 silva, silvae (feminine)
forest, woods

24 via, viae (feminine) road, way, street

25 est is

26 sunt are

27 nōn not

28 et and

29 sed but

30 Sentences: Subject and Predicate
“Sentence” comes from the Latin word “sententia” which means “thought.” Sentences are words grouped together to form thoughts! Every sentence has 2 parts: the SUBJECT and the PREDICATE. Italy is a peninsula. Italia paeninsula est. The girls carry water. Puellae aquam portant.

31 Subjects and Predicates
In Latin, the subject is always in the NOMINATIVE case. (-a or –ae on the 1st declension chart) Puellae aquam portant. The girls carry water. Italia est paeninsula. Italy is a peninsula.

32 Subjects and Predicates
The nominative case is also used for something called a PREDICATE NOMINATIVE. PREDICATE NOMINATIVE is a fancy term for a noun that follows a linking verb. A linking verb works like an “=“ sign: is, are, seem…

33 Predicate Nominatives
John is a student. John=student. The teacher is Mrs. Sellers. Teacher=Mrs. Sellers. Brittania est insula. A=B Britain is an island. Britain=island.

34 Time to practice! Workbook page 3 even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

35 aqua, aquae (feminine) water

36 īnsula, īnsulae (feminine)

37 silva, silvae (feminine)
forest, woods

38 via, viae (feminine) road, way, street

39 est is

40 sunt are

41 nōn not

42 et and

43 sed but

44 Declining a noun in Latin and English!
Singular Plural Nominative puella (girl) puellae (girls) Genitive puellae (of the girl, girl’s) puellarum (girls’, of the girls) Dative puellae (to/for the girl) puellis (to/for the girls) Accusative puellam (girl) puellas (girls) Ablative puella (girl) puellis (girls) Pick any 2 other nouns from your vocabulary words and decline them in Latin and English.

45 In Latin, the use of the noun is determined by its case ending, not its place in the sentence.
There are five cases: Nominative - subject and predicate nominative Genitive – possession Dative - indirect object Accusative - direct object Ablative - the preposition

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