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BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 LEADERSHIP!  Power  Organizational Sources:  Reward Power  Coercive Power  Legitimate Power  Personal Sources:  Expert.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 LEADERSHIP!  Power  Organizational Sources:  Reward Power  Coercive Power  Legitimate Power  Personal Sources:  Expert."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 LEADERSHIP!  Power  Organizational Sources:  Reward Power  Coercive Power  Legitimate Power  Personal Sources:  Expert Power  Referent Power  Authority  Leadership

2 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 THEORY X----THEORY Y  Theory X:  Work is a pain  Little ambition  Prefer to be directed  Theory Y:  Self direction  Self control  Intellect and learning

3 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY (PYGMALION EFFECT)  A leader’s expectations results in subordinate’s performance.  For example, if I expect high productivity from students- I’ll get it, where if I expect low productivity I will get it.

4 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 TRAIT THEORY  Looks for common traits among leaders- fruitless results!

5 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 LEADERSHIP STYLES  Autocratic  Laisses-faire  Democratic

6 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 OHIO STATE STUDIES  Consideration  Initiating Structure

7 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 MICHIGAN STUDIES  Managers of High Producing Work Groups:  Receive general rather close supervision  Like the amount of authority and responsibility  Spend more time in supervision  Give general rather close supervision  Employee oriented rather than production oriented


9 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 MANAGERIAL GRID  Concern for People vs. Concern for Production  Country Club (1.9)  Impoverished (1.1)  Organization Man (5.5)  Authority-Obedience (9.1)  Team Management (9.9) 9 1 19 PEOPLEPEOPLE PRODUCTION 1.9 1.1 5.5 9.9 9.1

10 BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 14 MORE LEADERSHIP THEORIES  Transactional vs. Transformational  Situational leadership Theory  Immaturity to Maturity levels between task and relationship!

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