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English Year 9 Lesson 13 SpiritualMoralSocialCultural 

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1 English Year 9 Lesson 13 SpiritualMoralSocialCultural 

2 On your post-it note you must come up with a question for one of the key characters who we have looked at so far. What would you ask them if you had the chance? Starter Activity

3 To consolidate knowledge of the plot, develop understanding of the character of Macbeth and to consider consequences within the play. Lesson Objective Learning Objective Must Level 4 Could Level 6 Should Level 5

4 Key Stage 3 AFs AFs Reading Assessment Focus Two (AF2) I am able to understand and pick out the appropriate quote, event or idea from a text and use PEE to demonstrate my understanding. Reading Assessment Focus Three (AF3) I can read and understand meaning that is only hinted at.

5 Watch this scene by clicking herehere Video Clip Activity

6 Act Three, Scene Four Macbeth is distressed by the news that Fleance escaped, believing ‘The worm that’s fled / Hath nature that in time will venom breed.’ At the banquet Macbeth initially makes a show of pointing out Banquo’s absence, but as he previously imagined a dagger he now believes he sees Banquo’s ghost. This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air-drawn dagger which you said Led you to Duncan.

7 Discussion Questions to Consider What do you think causes Macbeth’s visions? Think about how would you stage this scene in the theatre – would you choose to show Banquo’s ghost? Discussion Activity

8 Individual Written Response 1.Why does Macbeth feel so insecure as king? 2.Explain what happens when the murderers attack Banquo and his son. 3.What happens during the banquet? 4.Do you think what Macbeth sees is real? Explain your answer. 5.How does Lady Macbeth react to Macbeth in this scene? 6.What would Macbeth’s guests think as they left Macbeth’s castle that evening? 7.What does Macbeth decide to do next? Individual Written Activity

9 To consolidate knowledge of the plot, develop understanding of the character of Macbeth and to consider consequences within the play. Mini Plenary Learning Objective Must Level 4 Could Level 6 Should Level 5 Passport check: I am feeling confident; I still need support; I am unsure as to how I can reach the objectives.

10 In the hotseat Split into groups of four. Each member of the group must assume the identity of a character from the play (either Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, a murderer or a guest at the banquet) or a questioner. The questioner will put forward a series of questions about the events of the play to each of the characters. Characters must respond to the questions in detail and in role, showing a depth of understanding of the character being portrayed. Some ideas for questions are included on the next slide. This weak minded foolishness makes us look ridiculous! I must destroy everything in my way.. That was the strangest evening… Who might say that? Drama Activity

11 Ideas for questioning… The following are merely suggestions or starting points. Questioners should listen closely, challenge the characters responses and draw out detailed answers from the other members of the group. 1.How were you feeling when the banquet began? 2.How did you feel when Macbeth began to shout and scream? 3.How did you feel when Lady Macbeth sent everyone home? 4.What were your thoughts and feelings at the end of the scene? Suggestions For You


13 One group can volunteer to show their hot seating task to the rest of the class. Consider what you have learnt about the play by looking closely at this scene. Plenary Activity

14 To consolidate knowledge of the plot, develop understanding of the character of Macbeth and to consider consequences within the play. Self Assessment Learning Objective Must Level 4 Could Level 6 Should Level 5 Turn to a partner and explain which level you think you have been working at during this lesson. Justify your answer by referring to the learning objectives.

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