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1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter 12 Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant.

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1 1 Advanced Placement United States History Chapter 12 Kennedy/Cohen/Bailey The American Pageant

2 2 James Madison Administration, 1809-1817 Macon’s Bill #2 War Hawk Congress of 1812 Weak Leader

3 3 James Madison Administration Henry Clay Speaker of the House of Representatives War Hawk Leader South and West

4 4 Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 Tecumseh War Hawks William Henry Harrison

5 5 War of 1812 Second War for American Independence “We Owe Allegeance To No Crown!”

6 6 War of 1812 “On to Canada” “On to Florida” Reasons for Fighting Britain Instead of France Federalist Opposition in New England American Disadvantages in War of 1812

7 7 War of 1812 Invasion of Canada British Invasion of U.S.A Battle of Lake Erie Oliver PerryBattle of Lake Erie

8 8 War of 1812 Battle of the Thames Wm. H. HarrisonBattle of the Thames

9 9 War of 1812 Battle of the Plattsburg T. MacdonoughBattle of Plattsburg

10 10 War of 1812 Burning of Washington Battle of Bladensburg Burned Ruin of Presidential Palace

11 11 War of 1812 Fort McHenry, Baltmore Fort McHenry

12 12 War of 1812 Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson

13 13 War of 1812 The War at Sea American Frigates & Privateers

14 14 War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent Treaty ( Ends War as a Simple Armistice) John Q. Adams Henry Clay

15 15 War of 1812 Hartford Convention of 1814 Proposed Constitutional Amendments That Would Require a 2/3 rd Majority Vote of Congress Before: Any Embargo Could Be Imposed Any Western States Could Be Admitted War Could Be Declared Final Death Blow to Federalist Party

16 16 Election of 1816 Rufus King – Federalist Party James Monroe – Democratic Republican Party James MonroeRufus King

17 17 Monroe Administration Virginia Dynasty Goodwill Tour Tariff Bank of the U.S. Panic of 1819 Wildcat Banks

18 18 Compromise of 1820 Tallmadge Amendment Missouri Compromise Missouri Maine

19 19 John Marshall and the U.S. Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison (1803) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Cohen v. Virginia (1821) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

20 20 John Marshall and the U.S. Supreme Court Fletcher v. Peck (1810) (Yazoo Land Claims Case) Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)

21 21 Post-War Foreign Policy Treaty of 1818 Spanish Florida 1817 – Andrew Jackson Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819 European Monarchies Opposed to United States

22 22 Post-War Foreign Policy George Canning, British Foreign Secretary Monroe Doctrine (1823) Russo-American Treaty of 1824

23 23 Credits: Madison 3 - Henry Clay - e/catalogues/peop_clay.html e/catalogues/peop_clay.html Tecumseh - peop_tecumseh.html peop_tecumseh.html William Henry Harrison 3 - War of 1812 - William Henry Harrison 3 - Tippecanoe 3 - micro/595/ micro/595/67.html Battle of Lake Erie 2 - Perry 2 - Thomas Macdonough - Burned White House 2 - Andrew Jackson - Sea Battle - Henry Clay and John Q. Adams - Slave Poster - Rufus King - Monroe 3 -

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