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WASFAA 2009 Anchorage, Alaska Extraordinary Presentations Jacquie Carroll & Kay W. Soltis.

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Presentation on theme: "WASFAA 2009 Anchorage, Alaska Extraordinary Presentations Jacquie Carroll & Kay W. Soltis."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASFAA 2009 Anchorage, Alaska Extraordinary Presentations Jacquie Carroll & Kay W. Soltis

2 ■Potential Topics/audience ■Personal SWOT ■Before ♦PAL ♦Gayne’s 9 steps ■During ♦Content and Delivery ♦Learning styles/retention ♦Adult learning ♦Difficult participants ■After agenda

3 Potential topics/audience ■What are some topics? ♦Entrance & exit counseling ♦Budgeting ♦Money management ♦Financial planning ♦Credit cards & debts ♦Time management ♦Academic dos and don’ts ■Possible audience ♦High School Counselors ♦HS Financial Aid Night ♦current students /parents ♦New FAAs ♦Financial Aid Support Staff ♦ Faculty and/or other colleagues ♦Board of Regents/Trustees ♦Scholarship Organizations

4 ■Strengths ■Weaknesses ■Opportunities ■Threats Personal SWOT analysis

5 ■P■P = Purpose ■A■A = Audience ■L■L = Logistics Before- know your PAL

6 ■What are you trying to accomplish and how will you do it? ♦Workshops- activities ♦Presentations- informational ♦Scavenger Hunt- actions ♦Other- online? Before- know your purpose

7 Before- know your audience ■Who is your audience? ♦ High School Counselors ♦High School Financial Aid Night ♦Current students and/or Parents ♦New Financial Aid Administrators ♦Financial Aid Support Staff ♦ Faculty and/or Other Colleagues ♦ Board of Regents/Trustees ♦ Scholarship Organizations

8 Special Needs ■Hearing impaired ■English as a second language ■Visually impaired

9 Before- know your logistics ■Room layout ■Resources/technology ■Beginning of the day ■Prior to Lunch ■After lunch ■Last session of the day

10 Gayne’s 9 steps to instruction ■1.Gain attention ■2.inform learners of objectives ■3.stimulate recall of prior learning ■4. present content ■5. Provide Learning Guidance ■6. Elicit performance ■7. Provide feedback ■8. Assess participation ■9. retention and transfer to job application

11 Before- set ground rules ■Inform audience of the following ♦Start and Stop on time ♦Provide logistics ♦Respect each other ♦Questions – Parking lot, Ask it Basket, etc.

12 ■Ask the audience what they expect ♦Write it down ♦Go over the list ♦Explain what you will cover – tell the audience if you will not cover one of its expectations ■Divide content into 3 categories ♦Need to know ♦Nice to know ♦Where to go During- Content

13 ■Creating a safe environment ♦Put them at ease ♦Make it fun ♦Tension = Retention ♦Brain cleansing ♦Ownership learning environment

14 ■Story ■Quotation ■Challenging questions ■Significant statement ■Pay a compliment During- openers

15 ■Case study ■Role play ■Crossword puzzles ■Effectiveness grids ■Use left pages as notes page ■Use icons to anchor key information During- variety in handouts

16 ■U■Use visuals & color ■M■Make a promise ■A■Ask a question ■S■Share a story ■U■Use an activity ■A■Add some humor generate interest

17 ■Call for action ■Anecdote ■Recap ■Rhetorical question ■Statement During- closers

18 ■Break preoccupation ■CPR ■Content, Participation, Review ■90/20/8 ■Primacy & recency ■Raise or enhance self-esteem ♦WII-FM ♦MMFI-AM learning styles/retention

19 During- learning styles ■Audio learner ■Visual learner ■Tactile learner

20 Left Brain ■Thoughts ■Logic ■Words ■Numbers ■Rules ■Task oriented ■Future / past Right Brain ■Feelings ■Intuition / gut ■Visuals ■Pictures / icons ■No boundaries ■Relationship ■In the moment During- learning styles

21 ■10% of what we read ■20% of what we hear ■30% of what we see ■50% of what we see & hear ■80% of what we say ■90% of what we say as we act During- learning styles we remember...

22 ■Adults ♦Want to be considered as learning partners ♦want information that they can apply or use immediately ♦Also have multiple learning styles that should be considered ♦Learn better in a group ♦It may be more fun adult learning

23 ■Explorer ■Latecomer ■Know it all ■Elder ■Introvert ■Prisoner difficult participants

24 ■The Prisoner ♦Directly face their reservations ♦Present group generated benefits ♦Keep all course materials benefit-based ♦Use proximity ♦Enlist their help ♦Initiate a private discussion ♦Allow them to leave difficult participants

25 Conclusion ■Last but not least – leave them with something –Tell them what you’re going to tell them –Tell them what you told them –Leave them with something

26 ■Help people learn how to learn ■9 steps of instructions ■Make learning fun ■Use dynamics of the group ■Allow adults to bring experience to training and use it ■Memorable Summary

27 After- ■Evaluate what went well and what didn’t ■Make changes as needed ■Seek input from audience ■Send follow up survey, later

28 Thank you for joining us today!

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