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Leaders and Major Beliefs

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1 Leaders and Major Beliefs
World Religions Leaders and Major Beliefs

2 Judaism Founding Leader- Abraham is considered the founding leader of Judaism. Major belief #1- Passover is celebrated to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel, who were led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses. Major belief #2- Rosh Hashanah- Jewish New Year which commemorates the creation of the world. Major belief #3- Hanukkah- Jewish Festival of Light

3 Hinduism Is not considered to have any founding leaders.
Major belief #1- Believe in a Universal soul or god called Brahman. Major belief #2- Reincarnation- Believe the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. Major belief #3- Samsara- Going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths. Hindus believe that existence is governed by Karma.

4 Buddhism Founding leader -Prince Siddhartha Guatama / Buddha.
Buddhists believe the Buddha saw the truth about the world as it was. Nothing in the world is perfect and the Buddha believed he had an answer as to why. *Buddhists’ central beliefs: The Three Jewels.* 1. Belief in Buddha 2. Dharma- “Duty” (The teachings of the Buddha and the Eight Fold Path) 3. The Sangha- Buddhist Community made up of ordinary people as well as the monks.

5 Christianity Founding leader- Jesus Christ
Major belief #1- Believe there is one God, who created the Universe and all that is in it. Believe that God is active in guiding and teaching his people. Major Belief #2- Believe that Jesus Christ was the Savior and are now waiting for his second coming. Major belief #3- The sacred text is the Bible.

6 Islam Muhammad - founding leader of Islam.
Believe there is only one God, Allah, who is the sovereign ruler of the universe. 4 important beliefs 1. Belief in Allah. 2.Angels 3. Koran (the sacred text) 4.Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca.

7 How religion impacts the world.
Gives guidance for how people act and speak. Affects laws. Spark conflict.

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