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ECE 331 – Digital System Design Multiplexers and Demultiplexers (Lecture #13)

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 331 – Digital System Design Multiplexers and Demultiplexers (Lecture #13)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 331 – Digital System Design Multiplexers and Demultiplexers (Lecture #13)

2 ECE 331 - Digital System Design2 Multiplexers

3 ECE 331 - Digital System Design3 Multiplexer A multiplexer switches (or routes) data from 2 N inputs to the output, where N is the number of select inputs. A multiplexer (mux) is a digital switch.

4 ECE 331 - Digital System Design4 Multiplexer: 2-to-1 f s w 0 w 1 0 1 0 1 f f s w 0 w 1 s w 0 w 1 s = 0 selects w 0 s = 1 selects w 1 F = (w 0.s') + (w 1.s) 2 inputs1 output 1 select

5 ECE 331 - Digital System Design5 LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY mux2to1 IS PORT (w0, w1, s: IN STD_LOGIC ; f: OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END mux2to1 ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF mux2to1 IS BEGIN WITH s SELECT f <=w0 WHEN '0', w1 WHEN OTHERS ; END Behavior ; Multiplexer: 2-to-1 (VHDL)

6 ECE 331 - Digital System Design6 LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY mux2to1 IS PORT (w0, w1, s : INSTD_LOGIC ; f : OUTSTD_LOGIC ) ; END mux2to1 ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF mux2to1 IS BEGIN f <= w0 WHEN s = '0' ELSE w1 ; END Behavior ; Multiplexer: 2-to-1 (VHDL)

7 7 Multiplexer: 4-to-1 f s 1 w 0 w 1 00 01 s 0 w 2 w 3 10 11 w 0 w 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 fs 1 0 s 0 w 2 w 3 f s 1 w 0 w 1 s 0 w 2 w 3 F = (w 0.s 1 's 0 ') + (w 1.s 1 's 0 ) + (w 2.s 1 s 0 ') + (w 3.s 1 s 0 ) Two select signals

8 ECE 331 - Digital System Design8 0 w 0 w 1 0 1 w 2 w 3 0 1 f 0 1 s 1 s Multiplexer: 4-to-1 Select signal for first level of decoders Select signal for second level of decoders 2-to-1 Muxes

9 ECE 331 - Digital System Design9 LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY mux4to1 IS PORT (w0, w1, w2, w3: IN STD_LOGIC ; s: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) ; f: OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END mux4to1 ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF mux4to1 IS BEGIN WITH s SELECT f <= w0 WHEN "00", w1 WHEN "01", w2 WHEN "10", w3 WHEN OTHERS ; END Behavior ; Multiplexer: 4-to-1 (VHDL)

10 10 Multiplexer: 16-to-1

11 ECE 331 - Digital System Design11 LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; LIBRARY work ; USE work.mux4to1_package.all ; ENTITY mux16to1 IS PORT (w : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO 15) ; s : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) ; f : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END mux16to1 ; ARCHITECTURE Structure OF mux16to1 IS SIGNAL m : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO 3) ; BEGIN Mux1: mux4to1 PORT MAP ( w(0), w(1), w(2), w(3), s(1 DOWNTO 0), m(0) ) ; Mux2: mux4to1 PORT MAP ( w(4), w(5), w(6), w(7), s(1 DOWNTO 0), m(1) ) ; Mux3: mux4to1 PORT MAP ( w(8), w(9), w(10), w(11), s(1 DOWNTO 0), m(2) ) ; Mux4: mux4to1 PORT MAP ( w(12), w(13), w(14), w(15), s(1 DOWNTO 0), m(3) ) ; Mux5: mux4to1 PORT MAP ( m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3), s(3 DOWNTO 2), f ) ; END Structure ; Multiplexer: 16-to-1 (VHDL)

12 ECE 331 - Digital System Design12 Realizing Logic Functions using Multiplexers Multiplexers

13 ECE 331 - Digital System Design13 Mux: Realizing Logic Functions Each row in a Truth Table corresponds to a minterm – N-input Truth Table Each minterm can be mapped to a multiplexer input – N-input Multiplexer For each row in the Truth Table, where the output of the function is one (F = 1), – Set the corresponding input of the multiplexer to 1

14 ECE 331 - Digital System Design14 Given the following Truth Table: Design a logic circuit to implement this function, using a 4-to-1 Multiplexer. Mux: Realizing a Logic Function 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 fs 1 0 s 0 1 0

15 ECE 331 - Digital System Design15 Exercise: Design a circuit, using a 4-to-1 Mux, to implement the Boolean expression given below. F X,Y =  m(0,2) Mux: Realizing a Logic Function

16 ECE 331 - Digital System Design16 Realizing Logic Functions using Multiplexers more efficiently. Multiplexers

17 ECE 331 - Digital System Design17 Mux: Realizing Logic Functions Efficiently Each row in a Truth Table corresponds to a minterm – N-input Truth Table A product term of N-1 variables can be mapped to each of the multiplexer inputs – (N-1)-input Multiplexer For the rows in the Truth Table, – Group N-1 inputs into pairs – Define the output of each pair using the N th input

18 ECE 331 - Digital System Design18 Given the following Truth Table: Design a logic circuit to implement this function, using a 2-to-1 Multiplexer. Mux: Realizing a Logic Function 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 fs 1 0 s 0 1 0 0 1 f s 1 s 0 s 0

19 ECE 331 - Digital System Design19 Given the Truth Table for a 3-input XOR: Design a logic circuit to implement this function, using 2-to-1 Multiplexers. Mux: Realizing a Logic Function 00 01 10 11 0 1 1 0 00 01 10 11 1 0 0 1 w 1 w 2 w 3 f 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 w 2 w 3  w 2 w 3 

20 ECE 331 - Digital System Design20 Mux: Realizing a 3-input XOR f w 3 w 1 w 2 0 1 0 1

21 ECE 331 - Digital System Design21 Exercise: Design a circuit, using a 4-to-1 Mux, to implement the Boolean expression given below. F X,Y,Z =  m(1,2,3,6) Mux: Realizing a Logic Function

22 ECE 331 - Digital System Design22 Demultiplexers

23 ECE 331 - Digital System Design23 Demultiplexer A demultiplexer switches (or routes) data from one input to 2 N outputs, where N is the number of select inputs. A demultiplexer (mux) is also a digital switch. A demultiplexer performs the opposite function of a multiplexer.

24 ECE 331 - Digital System Design24 Demultiplexer: 1-to-4 I s1s1 s0s0 O0O0 O1O1 O2O2 O3O3 0 1 2 3 S1S1 S0S0 O0O0 O1O1 O2O2 O3O3 00I000 010I00 1000I0 11000I O 0 = S 1 '.S 0 '.I O 1 = S 1.S 0 '.I O 2 = S 1 '.S 0.I O 3 = S 1.S 0.I

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