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The Crusades During the late 1000s, the Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people from Central Asia gained control of Palestine, the Christians “Holy Land” Turks continued.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crusades During the late 1000s, the Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people from Central Asia gained control of Palestine, the Christians “Holy Land” Turks continued."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crusades During the late 1000s, the Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people from Central Asia gained control of Palestine, the Christians “Holy Land” Turks continued their conquests and threatened the capital city of Constantinople The Byzantine emperor called on Pope Urban II in Rome for help

2 The Crusades The pope was eager to regain the Holy Land from the Turks
Pope Urban met with feudal lords and asked them to quit fighting with one another and fight to regain the Holy Land They would “wear the cross of Christ on their right shoulder or back, and with one voice…cry out: “God wills it” This began the Crusades, a series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land

3 The Crusades At least 10,000 Europeans took up the cause, sewing a cross on their clothes and were called crusaders Some crusaders believed dying in the cause would send them straight to heaven Some crusaders wanted to gain land and wealth in Palestine Thus the crusaders appealed to a love of adventure and the promise of rewards, both spiritual and material

4 The Crusades

5 The First Crusade This lasted from 1096 to 1099
French and Italian lords led several armies of crusaders from Europe to Constantinople From Constantinople they continued to Palestine They suffered much from heat and lack of supplies

6 First Crusade The crusaders continued to the holy city of Jerusalem
They surrounded the city and after a series of vicious battles the crusaders captured Jerusalem In the terrible massacre, they slaughtered its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants They introduced European feudalism and subdivided the land into fiefs with lords and vassals Christians and Muslims lived alongside each other and grew to respect each other

7 Other Major Crusades For almost 100 years, European Christians held onto Palestine Little by little the Turks won back their lost lands Popes and European leaders tried to stop this from happening with three major crusades

8 Second Crusade By 1146 the Turks had gathered their forces and started to regain land taken from them during the first crusade 1147 the second crusade began Louis VII of France and Conrad III from Germany united at the city of Damascus and tried to gain back the Holy Land These combined forces failed to recapture the city and in 1149 turned back to Europe in disgrace

9 The Third Crusade In 1187 the Muslim leader Saladin gained control of Jerusalem Three European leaders then led separate armies in the Third Crusade King Philip II of France King Richard I of England Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa The crusade lasted for three years, it also failed King Richard did lead his force in the Holy Land and made a truce with Saladin King Richard received some towns along Palestine and Christians were allowed to enter Jerusalem freely

10 The Fourth Crusade Pope Innocent III gathered a group of French knights for the fourth crusade They traveled in 1202 in ships provided by the Italian city-state of Venice Venetians persuaded the crusaders to attack Zadar, a trade rival to Venice This was a Christian city, however, the crusaders were later excommunicated by Innocent III In 1204 the crusaders attacked and looted Constantinople another Christian city The Venetians gained control of Byzantine trade

11 Children’s Crusade In 1212 the short-lived and unfortunate Children’s Crusade took place Young people from across Europe decided to march to the Holy Land and regain if for Christian Europe Youth lacked training, equipment, and supplies Some were tricked into boarding ships in France that led them off into slavery Many youth were lost in the course of this tragedy

12 End of the Crusades For many years, European crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land This continued until 1291, when the Muslims captured the city of Acre This was the last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land With this defeat the Crusades ended

13 Results of the Crusades
The goal of the Crusades was to take the Holy Land from the Turks All the Crusades except the first failed to reach that goal The Crusades, however, helped bring about many changes in Europe

14 Weapons and warfare During the Crusades the weapon of choice was the crossbow This could penetrate chain mail and plate armor From the Byzantines and Muslims they learned new ideas for waging war How to undermine walls and use catapults to throw rocks May have learned about gunpowder from Muslims

15 Political Changes Many lords had to sell their lands to raise money for the crusades Without land they had NO power Also many lords died in battle during the crusades With fewer lords European kings grew stronger This helped to bring to the end of feudalism During the crusades the Christian church became more powerful also

16 Ideas and Trade Thousands of crusaders traveled through the Holy Land exchanging ideas with other crusaders from other parts of Europe They also gained knowledge from the Byzantines and Muslims whom they met These ideas helped to enrich European culture Italian cities became major trading centers There ships from the crusades brought back many goods from southwest Asia ************************************

17 The Revival of Trade With the rise of the Middle Ages, manors grew or made nearly everything they needed Towns and cities, which depended on trade and manufacturing shrank in population Because of the Crusades, trade began to grow again in Europe Italy was the earliest site of this trade revival

18 Trade in Italy Northern Europeans wanted Asian goods, and those goods could be bought in southwest Asia The Italian city-states of Genoa, Pisa, and Venice became important trading centers Italian ships took crusaders to Palestine and on the way back brought goods from Asia This overland trade route in Italy led to the growth and increasing wealth of cities along its path

19 Trade in Northern Europe
Kiev, in what is now Ukraine, became a trading center Viking traders from Kiev traveled to Constantinople bringing back with them goods from Asia Flanders became another important northern trading center Now a part of Belgium, France, and the Netherlands Was the meeting point of several trade routes People from England, France, and Germany were eager to buy the fine woolen cloth made there

20 The Hanseatic League German cities on the Baltic and North Seas also became important trading centers Most important were Bremen, Hamburg, and Lubeck Germany’s weak central government could not control trade The German trading cities joined together to form the Hanseatic League 100 cities were members of the league They set up trading posts in England, Flanders, Russia, and Scandinavia The league set up strict rules, if broken member cities lost their trading rights

21 Trade Goods and Markets
The Crusades had increased Europeans’ demand for goods from Asia European Merchants made their highest profits off luxury goods Dyes, medicines, silk, and spices Europeans also wanted manufactured goods Cotton cloth, linen, and art objects Asia supplied Europe with fruit, grain, and rugs In exchange Europe offered its own goods and products Fish, fur, timber, leather, oil, soap, wine, glassware, and fine woolen cloth

22 Trade Goods and Markets
As trade grew, merchants needed places where they could exchange goods Many villages held weekly market days Didn’t draw large crowds Merchants started selling goods during church festivals Local leaders allowed fairs for the sale of imported goods Placed a tax on each item that was sold Local rulers offered protection from robbery

23 Trade Goods and Markets
The most important and best-known fairs were held in Champagne Northeastern France was on the trade route from Italy At different times each year, four towns in Champagne held six fairs, each lasted 49 days At first, business at fairs was done through a simple barter economy Goods and services were exchanged for other goods and services without using money As fairs grew a fixed value was placed on goods Could be in terms of goods, service, or money

24 Trade Goods and Market Local rulers each issued their own coins
Moneychangers placed a value on currencies from one region in relation to currencies from another region Buyers and sellers started thinking of the value of goods in terms of money Although the major purpose of fairs was the buying and selling of goods, they became important social events as well Provided entertainment with clowns, jugglers, and musicians Fairs helped people broaden their outlook on the world

25 Manufacturing, Banking, and Investment
The revival of trade in Europe during the Middle Ages led to three important business developments 1. new system of manufacturing 2. a banking system developed 3. the practice of investing wealth started Each of which greatly affected economic life and progress down to the present day

26 Manufacturing The system of manufacturing that developed during the Middle Ages was called the domestic system Manufacturing took place in workers’ homes rather than in a shop or factory Example is the woolen industry, Individual would buy wool and then hand it out to several workers Each worker completed a different task, such as spinning, weaving and dyeing The owner than collected the products and sold it at the highest possible price

27 Banking Moneychangers were the first bankers
Besides exchanging currencies at fairs, moneychangers provided other services Lending money was the most important service During the early Middle Ages Jews became the main moneylenders The Christian church did not allow usury, or charging interest on loans Later most law codes allowed the collection of interest on loans for business matters

28 Banking Bankers also made it easier to move money from one place to another They developed special notes called bills of exchange These notes were used in place of money Like a present day checking account

29 Investing In the latter Middle Ages, Europeans began investing capital
Capital is wealth that is earned, saved, and invested to make profits Sometimes several investors formed a partnership Pay for the business Shared the costs Partner received part of the profits Manufacturing, banking, and investing capital were the first steps towards the creating of a market economy Land, labor, and capital are controlled by individual persons The medieval market economy formed the basis for our modern capitalist system

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