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The Scientific Method. The Basic Steps l State the problem l Form a hypothesis l Test the hypothesis l Draw conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method. The Basic Steps l State the problem l Form a hypothesis l Test the hypothesis l Draw conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 The Basic Steps l State the problem l Form a hypothesis l Test the hypothesis l Draw conclusions

3 State the problem l A problem cannot be solved if it is not identified. l Research should be done to understand the problem.

4 Form a hypothesis l This is a possible solution to the problem.

5 Test the hypothesis l Perform an experiment to determine if the hypothesis solves the problem or not. l Observations and data will be made and recorded.

6 Draw Conclusions l Based on the observations and data, conclusions are drawn. l Conclusions can be as simple as “yes” or “no”.

7 Experimental terms l Variable - factor being tested. l Control - part of experiment without the variable (used as a comparison).

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