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Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World Part 1: Jan. 24, 2014.

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1 Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World Part 1: Jan. 24, 2014

2 Self-Concept Beliefs we have about ourselves – Self-schemas are part of this: – Recognize images of ourselves betw 18-24 mos. How is the ‘mark test’ used? 5 main sources of forming the self-concept: – Roles, Social comparisons, Success/Failure, Other people, & Culture

3 Sources 1.Role playing – Bem’s self-perception theory: what is it? 2.Social comparisons - Who is chosen as ‘comparison other’? Downward comparisons – Influence of context -

4 3. Success/Failure – Motivations for future behavior 4.Other people – ‘Looking glass self’ – what is it? Perceptions vs. reality -

5 5.Culture & self-concept: – Individualism (I) vs. collectivism (C) What is the focus of self-definitions in these cultures? I cultures = C cultures = Regional differences within U.S.? Change over time?

6 Markus’ research on the self as part of a group: – Social comparisons – – Contributions to the team – Research on self-esteem & persistence: – Collectivists: – Individualists:

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