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 An approved method for:  Citing sources is required in all schools  Approved method for formatting research  Used in numerous research-based industries.

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Presentation on theme: " An approved method for:  Citing sources is required in all schools  Approved method for formatting research  Used in numerous research-based industries."— Presentation transcript:


2  An approved method for:  Citing sources is required in all schools  Approved method for formatting research  Used in numerous research-based industries (psychology, medicine etc.)  Point allocation  Repetition  Leads to learning  Reinforces rules  Uniformity

3 “All students are expected to conform to the accepted standards of academic honesty. Any clear violations of these standards, such as cheating, violating copyright laws, or plagiarism are handled promptly, firmly, privately, and fairly by the Professor” (Student Handbook, 2006).

4  Properly format  Title page  Margins  Spacing  Accurately cite all sources  Credibility  In-text  Reference entries  Assemble a Reference list  Last page  Alphabetical  Avoid plagiarism  Analyze research  Use critical thinking skills

5  Spacing  Double spaced throughout  Font  12 point  Times New Roman  Margins  1” all around  Page Numbering  Header right justified  First 3 words of title  Indenting  1 st line of each new paragraph  5-7 spaces  Emphasis added  Italics–preferred  Bold –  Underline–never!

6  Title page  Text/Body  References

7 SHORTENED VERSION OF TITLE1 Title of Paper Writer’s Name Colorado Technical University Online

8  All information, ideas, statistics, etc included in your writing from outside sources needs to be correctly documented by using both in-text citations and references to identify the source.

9  Included in the text/body of the paper  Include the author’s last name and the date of publication/copyright enclosed in parenthesis—(Brown, 2009).  Sources with multiple authors—include the last names of all authors (Brown, Jones, & Smith, 2009).  Sources with no author listed—include the first 3-4 words of the title and the date (Danley, 2008, p. 18).  Sources with no date listed—include the abbreviation n.d. in place of the date (Smith, n.d.)

10  Personal communications such as personal interview are only identified through in-text citations. No reference is included for a personal communication.  An in-text citation for a personal communication follows this format (Newberg, E., personal communication, March 17, 2009)

11  Included in a Reference list/page at the end of the paper  Arranged in alphabetical order  Double-spaced  Formatted as a “hanging indent”—the first line of each reference is even with the left margin and the second and following lines are indented 5 spaces

12  Book with two authors  Author’s Last Name, First and Second Initial, & Author’s Last Name, First and Second  Initial. (Year of Publication). Title of Book (Volume/Edition number). Place of Publication: Publisher.   Greenfield, S. B., & Calder, D. G. (1986). A new critical history of Old English  literature. New York: New York University Press.

13  Non periodical Web document, Web page, or report. Author’s Last Name, First and Second Initial or Name Corporate Author. (Date of Publication). Title of document. Retrieved from http://Web address Capital Community College. (2007, February) A guide for writing research papers based on the styles recommended by the American Psychological Association. Retrieved from /apa/

14  Article from an online magazine. Author’s Last Name, First and Second Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume(issue) if known. Retrieved from http://Web address Crumley, Bruce. (2009, October 12) Should students be paid to do well in school? Time. Retrieved from article/0,8599,1929454,00.html

15  Live chat session. Instructor/author last name, first initial. (Date). [Title/type of posting (chat)]. Retrieved from online location, course number and section, course title: http://Web address Danley, L. (January 9, 2009). Chat posting. Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Online, Virtual Campus, APA Style Lab: https://campus.

16 References Anderson, L. (2009, October 19). Re: Writing is an important skill [Discussion board post]. Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Online, Virtual Campus, The Writing Center: https://campus. Capital Community College. (2007, February) A guide for writing research papers based on the styles recommended by the American Psychological Association. Retrieved from /apa/ Crumley, Bruce. (2009, October 12) Should students be paid to do well in school? Time. Retrieved from,8599,1929454, 00.html

17  The APA resources in the Writing Center  The APA resources in the Library  The Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association, 6 th Edition  The APA resources on the Purdue OWL

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