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The Principles of the United States Constitution.

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2 The Principles of the United States Constitution

3 Structure of the Constitution  Preamble: –Statement of purpose  Articles: –I: Legislative Branch –II: Executive Branch –III: Judicial Branch –IV: Relations Among the States –V: Amendment Process –VI: Federal Power –VII: Ratification  Amendments: –27 Total –1 st ten are the Bill of Rights

4 I. Popular Sovereignty  The PEOPLE hold the ultimate authority  “… the consent of the governed…”  A representative democracy lets the people elect leaders to make decisions for them. –Richard Burr & Kay Hagan are our US Senators from NC –Sue Myrick, Larry Kissell, & Mel Watt are our US Representatives from the Charlotte area.

5 II. Limited Government  Framers wanted to guard against tyranny  Government is limited to the power given to them in the Constitution.  The Constitution tells how leaders who overstep their power can be removed

6 V. Checks and Balances  Prevents the abuse of power in government  Each branch can check each of the other branches

7 IV. Separation of Powers  No branch holds “too much” power  Legislative branch makes the laws  Executive branch carries out the laws  Judicial branch interprets the laws

8 III. Federalism  The division of power broken down between State and National Governments  Some powers are shared  The National Government has the “supreme power” as stated in the Supremacy Clause  Small countries have a unitary government

9 VI. Judicial Review  The power of the Judicial Branch to review and interpret the Constitution.  Declares executive acts, congressional acts, and laws UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  The Supreme Court holds the final check

10 Amendments  Constitution can be changed to reflect the view of the people  This is called amending the Constitution

11 Powers  Enumerated Powers: Powers that are given to the Federal Government that are specifically stated  Delegated Powers: Powers given to the Fed. Gov.  Expressed Powers: Powers given to the Federal Gov.  Reserved Powers: Powers given to the States

12 Powers  Concurrent Powers: Powers held by both the States and the Federal Government  Elastic Clause (art. 1): Congress can make laws that are necessary and proper to run the government –Implied Powers

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