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U.S. Govt. & Citizenship Week 4 Bell #3 09/14/12  List five principles that American government is founded upon.  Hand in your Bells & Chapter 2.1 Study.

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2 U.S. Govt. & Citizenship Week 4 Bell #3 09/14/12  List five principles that American government is founded upon.  Hand in your Bells & Chapter 2.1 Study guide.

3 Presentations  Today –1 st pd: Courtney Larsen –3 rd pd: Brittanie Betzer  Next Week –1 st pd: Maegan Dean 09/18 –3 rd pd: Sterling Wiser 09/18, Rosalie Roberts 09/20

4 Constitution Crossword  Correct  Hand in

5 An Outline of the Constitution The Constitution sets out the basic principles upon which government in the United States was built. The Constitution is a fairly brief document. The Constitution is organized into eight sections: the Preamble and seven articles. The original document is followed by 27 amendments.

6 Articles of the Constitution Chapter 3, Section 1

7 Constitutionalism  Government must be conducted according to constitutional principles.

8 The Principles of the United States Constitution

9 I. Popular Sovereignty  The people hold the ultimate authority  A representative democracy lets the people elect leaders to make decisions for them.  Orrin Hatch, Mike Lee, and Rob Bishop are our elected officials in Congress

10 II. Limited Government  Framers wanted to guard against tyranny  Government is limited to the power given them in the Constitution.  The Constitution tells how leaders who overstep their power can be removed

11 III. Federalism  The division of power between State and National Governments  Some powers are shared  The National Government has the “supreme power”

12 IV. Separation of Powers  No one holds “too much” power  Legislative branch makes the laws  Executive branch carries out the laws  Judicial branch interprets the laws

13 Legislative Branch  Senate and House of Representatives  Make our laws  Appropriate Money  Regulate Immigration  Establish Post Offices and Roads  Regulate Interstate Commerce and Transportation  Declare War

14 Executive Branch  The President of the United States  Chief Executive  Chief of State  Chief Legislator  Commander in Chief

15 Judicial Branch  Supreme Court and other Federal Courts  Preserve and protect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution  Considers cases involving national laws  Declares laws and acts “unconstitutional”

16 V. Checks and Balances  Prevents the abuse of power in government  Each branch can check each other branch

17 Executive Checks  Propose laws to Congress  Veto laws made by Congress  Negotiate foreign treaties  Appoint federal judges  Grant pardons to federal offenders

18 Legislative Checks  Override president’s veto  Ratify treaties  Confirm executive appointments  Impeach federal officers and judges  Create and dissolve lower federal courts

19 Judicial Checks  Declare executive acts unconstitutional  Declare laws unconstitutional  Declare acts of Congress unconstitutional  The Supreme Court holds the final check

20 Checks and Balances

21 Rule of Law  Everyone is subject to the law.  No one is above the law.

22 Amendment Process

23 Informal Amendment Process  Change may occur without going through the formal amendment process. –Legislative Actions –Executive Actions –Judicial Interpretations –Changing Customs

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