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Electronic Communication Presentation. Email Attachments Files you attach and send with an email message.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Communication Presentation. Email Attachments Files you attach and send with an email message."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Communication Presentation

2 Email Attachments Files you attach and send with an email message.

3 Bcc Blind carbon copy Sending an email message to multiple people but they cannot see who you sent the email message to.

4 Blogs Electronic forums Anyone can comment on the topic or introduce a new topic Anyone can create and maintain a blog

5 Cancel Use this button when you decide not to finish and send an email message

6 Cc Carbon copy To send an email message to secondary recipients

7 Chat Real-time written conversations with a group of people.

8 Delete Button to delete email messages

9 Delivery Failure Failure to send email messages and dropped cell phone calls.

10 Email Electronic mail, similar to snail mail but much, much faster

11 Forward Receive an email message and send it on to someone else

12 Fraud Unethical people who try to trick you into giving something up This is against the law

13 Google Docs Free, online, application software for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations

14 Google Drive Cloud Technology Storage for files

15 Reply Button that lets you respond to the person who sent you an email message

16 Reply to all Button that lets you respond to all the people addressed in an email message It is rarely a good idea to reply to all

17 Save Draft A button that lets you save an email message until you can finish it later

18 Send A button that will get your email message on its way to someone

19 Social Networks Facebook Free, online service to help you stay in touch with family and friends

20 SPAM Junk email Unsolicited! Unwanted!

21 Spelling Even though you are sending a message to family, always spell check, grammar check, and proofread This is a MUST if you are sending business communication

22 Subject The purpose for the email message Keep it short and to the point What is this email about?

23 Teleconferencing Using a special telephone device to communicate verbally with groups of people

24 To: The address of the person you are sending the email message to.

25 Twitter Social network You can send short text messages over the Internet

26 Videoconferencing Using the Internet to see and speak to people Skype is a videoconferencing service

27 Viruses Software programs designed to damage hardware, software, and files

28 Wikis A knowledge database written collaboratively through the efforts of many people

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