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Chapter 2.3 The First National Government  Once independence is declared in America We have to set up governments for our 13 new ‘states’

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1 Chapter 2.3 The First National Government  Once independence is declared in America We have to set up governments for our 13 new ‘states’

2 August, 1776  Each new state signed new state constitutions for their people. Constitution  Basic set of laws and principles establishing a government

3 Structure of New State Constitutions  State governments were very limited in power No strong figure head as an executive Most of the power was given to the legislative branch of the government  Elections were to be held every year  Why do you think they were set up this way?

4 Structure of Legislative Body in State Governments  Most were bicameral Had two houses in legislative bodies.  Senate  House of Representatives Only Pennsylvania had a unicameral  Had only 1 house in legislative body.

5 Rights given in State Constitutions  Most had a list of citizens rights outlined in their state constitutions. Included voting rights for…  White men only

6 American Revolution ends in 1781…now what??  In the same year the war ended, the 13 states ratified the Articles of Confederation Document bonding the 13 states together in order to maintain sovereignty

7 Powers listed in the Art. Of Confederation (AOC)  The legislative body (Congress) is most powerful! Why?  There is no executive or judicial branches! Each state had 1 vote in Congress  Majority vote decided action (7 votes)  For serious decisions, 9 votes are needed  Waging war  Sign treaties  For an amendment to the AOC  All 13 states had to agree

8 All Powers given to Congress…  Declare war  Conduct foreign policy  Borrow money  Establish state militias (military forces)  Settle arguments between states  Manage relations with Native Americans.

9 Limits on Power of Congress by AOC  No Executive branch No President  No federal Judicial branch Had to rely on state courts to punish citizens for federal laws  No federal officials to enforce law  No power to tax citizens How do they make money?  No power to establish national armed forces had to get consent from each state’s militias  Major laws needed approval of 9 of 13 states!

10 1787 First and Only Big Accomplishment for AOC  Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Signed by Congress to set procedures for granting statehood to territories within the ‘northwest territory’  No slavery allowed!  Included guaranteed rights for people that migrated there!



13 Cultural obstacles AOC could not fix  Religious differences North  Protestants (New Jersey and Delaware) South  Baptists (Georgia and North Carolina)  Would they work together?

14 Other Cultural obstacles AOC could not fix  Slavery in States North  No slaves  Blacks were free! South  Slaves were necessary for economic survival!  Helped keep price of cotton and tobacco low.

15 By 1786, we are looking for change…  Sept. 1786 Representatives from Virginia tried to organize a convention in Annapolis, MD for states to talk about issues  Convention  Meeting held by governments Problem…  Only 5 states showed up!  What do you do?

16 Call for another convention for following year!  Next meeting was to be in Philadelphia, PA in May 1787. Start thinking of changes to the AOC  Make a strong federal government to force states to work together  Might want to include:  Executive branches  Judicial branches  How do you get states to come to this meeting?  You need something bad to happen!

17 Shays' Rebellion August 1786-January 1787  Daniel Shays leads armed rebellion against state officials What is the issue?  Farmers were being kicked off their land for not paying off their debts to state governments! What happens?  Farmers start killing state officials.

18 What did Shay’s Rebellion prove?  Nothing.. However, people are beginning to ask  “How were we able to beat the world’s largest empire to gain independence but could not keep order in peacetime???”  We need a new government!! A strong government!!  This gets the states to go to Philly, PA in 1787

19 Onward to Philly…

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