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 To identify and define common prefixes used in medical terms.

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2  To identify and define common prefixes used in medical terms.

3 PREFIXMEANINGEXAMPLES a-,an-No, not, withoutApnea, aphasia, atrophy, anemia, amenorrhea ab-Away fromabnormal ana-Up, apartanalysis ante-Before, forwardantepartum anti-againstAntibody, antigen, antibiotic brady-slowbradycardia dys-Bad, painful, difficult, abnormal Dyspnea, dysphagia, dysplasia, dysmenorrhea, dysuria ecoutEctopic pregnancy

4 TESTNORMALABNORMAL colorLight yellowRed (hematuria) clarityclearCloudy (infection) Ph (chemical nature)Slightly acidicAlkaline (infection) proteinVery slightProteinuria (renal disease) sugarnoneGlycosuria (diabetes mellitus)

5  Aplastic anemia  Hemolytic anemia  Iron deficiency anemia  Pernicious anemia  Sickle cell anemia


7 PREFIXMEANINGEXAMPLE Epi- Above, uponEpidural hematoma, epidermis Ex- outexcision Extra- outsideextrahepatic Hemi- halfhemigastrectomy Hyper- Excessive, too much, above Hyperthyroidism, hypertrophy, hypertension, hyperglycemia Meta- Change, beyondMetastasis, metacarpal Endo- Within, innerEndoscopy, endocrine glands.



10  Arthroscopy  Bronchoscopy  Colonoscopy  Cystoscopy  Gastroscopy  Proctosigmoidoscopy  Mediastinoscopy  Sigmoidoscopy  hysteroscopy


12 GLANDHORMONES Adrenal glandsAdrenaline (epinephrine) OvariesEstrogen, progesterone PancreasInsulin Parathyroid glandsParathyroid hormone (PTH) TestesTestosterone Thyroid glandThyroxine Pituitary glandAdrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),growth hormone (GH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

13 PREFIXMEANINGEXAMPLE Para- Besides, near, alongParathyroid glands, paralysis Post- After, behindPostpartum, postmortem Peri- surroundingperianal Poly- Many, muchPolyuria, polydipsia Quadri- fourquadriplegia Re- backRelapse, remission Pros- Before, forwardProsthesis Syn- With, togethersyndrome

14  Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)  Carpal tunnel syndrome  Down syndrome  Mitral valve prolapse  Toxic shock syndrome

15  MICU- medical intensive care unit  PICU- pediatric intensive care unit  SICU- surgical intensive care unit

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