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Person, place, thing, or idea

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Presentation on theme: "Person, place, thing, or idea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Person, place, thing, or idea
Nouns Person, place, thing, or idea Common (n) names a general noun; begins with lower case letter (city) Proper (N) names a specific noun; begins with capital letter (Atlanta)

2 Collective Possessive (pos n, pos N) shows ownership (girl’s, Roger’s)
Concrete Names an object that occupies space or that can be recognized by any of the senses (child, drum, thunder) Abstract Names an idea, a quality, or a characteristic (excitement, bravery, happiness) Collective Names a group (army, team, committee, choir)

3 Verbs Shows action or helps to make a statement Action (av)
She wrote a note. Linking (lv) Links two words together Can be linking: is, be, am, are, was, were, been, being, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, etc. English is fun. (English=fun) The flower smells pretty. (flower=pretty)

4 Helping (hv) “helps” an action verb or linking verb
If a verb phrase has four verbs, the first three are helping. If it has three verbs, the first two are helping. Can be helping: is, be, am, are, was, were, been, being, will, would, can, could, shall, should may, might, must, have, has, had, do, does, did We have been taking notes all day. (Taking is action)

5 Transitive Intransitive
an action verb that is followed by a word or words that answer the question what? Or whom? Transitive verbs have a direct object Intransitive An action verb that is not followed by a word or words that answer the question what? Or whom?

6 Verb Tenses Present (pres) Past (past) Future (f)
happening now (jump, talk, eat) Past (past) happened previously (jumped, talked, ate, fell) Future (f) will happen in the future (will jump, shall talk)

7 Pronouns (pro) Takes the place of a noun Personal SINGULAR PLURAL
1st person I, me We, us 2nd person You 3rd person He, him She, her it They, them

8 Possessive Take the place of the possessive forms of nouns SINGULAR
PLURAL 1st person My, mine Our, ours 2nd person Your, yours 3rd person His Her, hers its Their, theirs

9 Himself, herself, itself
Reflexive Reflects back to self Always adds information Intensive Adds emphasis to another noun or pronoun Does not add information to the sentence. If it is omitted, the meaning of the sentence will still be the same Often placed directly after its antecedent SINGULAR PLURAL 1st person Myself Ourselves 2nd person Yourself Yourselves 3rd person Himself, herself, itself Themselves

10 Relative Interrogative Demonstrative
Used to begin a special subject-verb word group called a subordinate clause Interrogative Used to form a question Demonstrative Points out specific persons, places, things, or ideas who whose whomever that what whom whoever which whichever whatever Who? Whom? Whose? What? Which? This That These Those

11 Indefinite does not refer to a definite person or thing all each many
nothing somebody another either most one Someone any enough much other Something anybody everybody neither others anyone everyone nobody Plenty anything everything none Several both few No one some

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