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{ Compound Sentences Using FANBOYS. I looked at other teams. SEE.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Compound Sentences Using FANBOYS. I looked at other teams. SEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Compound Sentences Using FANBOYS

2 I looked at other teams. SEE

3 I looked at other teams, but I wasn’t going to leave for anywhere except Cleveland. “I’m Coming Home” Lebron James SEE

4 Music is art. SEE

5 Music is art, and art is important and rare. “For Taylor Swift, the Future of Music is a Love Story” Taylor Swift SEE

6 Compound sentences are sentences that contain two complete thoughts that are related. The thoughts are usually connected by a conjunction with a comma. FANBOYS Understand

7 Understand F -FOR A -AND N -NOR B -BUT O -OR Y -YET S -SO

8 Understand Batman is a great hero. Spiderman is my favorite hero of all time. Batman is a great hero, but Spiderman is my favorite hero of all time.

9 Imitate Using this sentence model, create your own compound sentence.

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