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After reading the Title and Sub Titles: What is the basic answer to the question “How Did the Middle East Get This Way?” Western Imperialism European Mandates.

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Presentation on theme: "After reading the Title and Sub Titles: What is the basic answer to the question “How Did the Middle East Get This Way?” Western Imperialism European Mandates."— Presentation transcript:

1 After reading the Title and Sub Titles: What is the basic answer to the question “How Did the Middle East Get This Way?” Western Imperialism European Mandates of former Ottoman Empire

2 2. What role did Nationalism play in the Middle East before, during, and after WWI? Before WWI – wanted independence from Ottoman Empire During WWI – agreed to help the Allied powers vs. Central powers with expectations of independence after the war After WWI – anger and move for independence vs Europeans See it now (Iraq, Israel)

3 3. What did the Europeans NOT consider when making decisions about the Middle East after WWI? Ancient tribal, ethnic, and religious differences Created new political boundaries which grouped different peoples together

4 4. Why would their failure to consider these things be so costly? Different peoples can’t get along – lead to war “the root of much of the bloodshed in the region 90 years later”

5 5. Empathy: put yourself in the shoes of the people of the Middle East. Consider Wilson’s ideas in the 14 Points. It is now 1930. What is your feeling toward the US and other Western powers and why do you feel that way? …..urged that all nationalities within the former Ottoman Empire be assured an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development… - Wilson Distrust Anger Revenge

6 6. What kind of government did Europe want? / Why? Wanted to promote “Secular” government Why???? –In the western tradition Think back to Middle Ages struggle for power between Popes + Kings -Think of all the revolutions throughout history........... -- Develop tradition for “freedom of religion”

7 7. Refer to the last question: Why would this type of government create problems in the Middle East? The Middle East has long history of religious govt. ……..more than a thousand years have avowed faith in a holy law that governs all life, including government and politics

8 8. How did the British make things very complicated during and after WWI? Many promises (for independence) to different groups Did not follow through on promises Especially in Palestine -Promise Arab Palestinians and Jews independent homelands Secret agreements to divide up Ottoman Empire “making a breeding place for future war”

9 9. consider the following quote. “ Iraq was never a country and should have never become a country. Before 1919, there was no such thing as being Iraqi” based on your reading, defend this statement as being true. “In 1919, there was no Iraqi people; …….history, religion, geography pulled the people apart, not together”

10 10. How was Iraq held together as a nation for over 80 years? Autocratic rule of kings and dictators Installed by British Military coups = Saddam Hussein 1968

11 11. How can democracy make things even worse in Iraq? Trying to unite different people that do not want to be united Give equal rights to all Individual freedoms = allow opposition voices……will lead to constant disagreements / fighting »Why does it work in America?????? At least a dictator can create stability

12 12. What is the main problem in Syria and Lebanon Christians vs. Muslims Syria controlled by France Carved Lebanon out of original borders of Syria

13 13. How is the Middle East similar to Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire? After fall of Roman Empire…… Europe struggled for 1500 years over what form of Christianity to follow and who is in power….Kings or Popes After fall of Ottoman Empire….. Middle East (+ Europe) struggles over who has LEGITAMACY and power …….how diverse peoples are to regroup to create new political identities for themselves after the collapse of an ages old imperial order

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