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Fall of the Ottoman Empire and Conflict in SW Asia.

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1 Fall of the Ottoman Empire and Conflict in SW Asia

2 SS7H2The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21st century. –a. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict. –WHAT WILL YOU LEARN????

3 Vocabulary of the STANDARD: Conflict and Change: whenever there is a conflict that takes place, the result is that something changes 21 st Century- the period of time (100 years) beginning in the year 2,000 AD/CE (we are living in the 21 century) European Partitioning of the Middle East- the Europeans partitioned, which means they split up or divided the Middle East by creating new borders or boundaries after the Ottoman Empire fell. YOU WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN: How might the actions of the Europeans, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, have led to the conflict in the Middle East TODAY?

4 Ottoman Empire’s Lands

5 Reasons for the Decline of an Empire Ottomans’ technology begins to fall behind Europe’s technology –New ideas (Renaissance), the Industrial revolution, and new farming technology in Europe and their colonies made Europe superior. When the Ottoman Empire reached its height, other empires attack the Ottomans and/or conflict arises within the Empire –Fighting causes the Empire to lose land Copy BOLD WHITE text only!

6 Map of Lost Ottoman Land

7 Ottoman Empire & WWI What’s left of the Ottoman Empire enters WWI (1914-1918) on Austrian-Hungarian Empire & Germany’s side (Central Powers) –motive was to regain some of the land they lost. In 1916, France and UK agreed on how to divide up the Ottoman Empire if their side (Allied Powers) won the war: known as Sykes-Picot Agreement.

8 Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916

9 The Balfour Declaration- 1917

10 San Remo Conference- 1920

11 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine- 1922

12 Results of WWI & Partitioning When the Ottomans and the rest of the Central Powers lost… –The government of the Ottoman Empire (O.E.) was dissolved –Republic of Turkey was created out of the O.E. (1923) –All the land that was under the control of the Ottomans was given to France and Great Britain –British and French partitioned (divided) the Middle East into countries; THIS CREATED ARTIFICIAL POLITICAL BORDERS THAT DID NOT ALWAYS REFLECT THE NATURAL ETHNIC DIVISIONS IN THE REGION, AND THIS HAS CAUSED CONFLICT.

13 Independence –The region’s people resented European rule and pushed towards nationalism. Nationalism = The belief that every ethnic group has a right to its own independent nation –Through wars and political struggles, most countries in SW Asia won independence by the 1970s. –Some groups still see themselves as “stateless nations” without a country of their own, and this has led to conflict. Kurds Palestinians

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