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IEEE CTS Status Report UTSA Student Chapter Phase I + II Funding.

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1 IEEE CTS Status Report UTSA Student Chapter Phase I + II Funding

2 Branch Info Officers (term in particular office): – Kevin Messenhiemer, Chair (3 rd term) – Carl Gleinsner, Vice Chair (1 st term) – Chris Weldon, Secretary (1 st term) – Devon Johnson, Treasurer (1 st term) – Michael Starkweather, Program Director (1 st term) – Michael Villalba, Events Coordinator (1 st term) – Chris Lewis, Webmaster (1 st term) Faculty Advisors – Dr. Jin, – Dr. Wang, Office: EB 2.04.08 – Phone: 210-458-5944 – Email:

3 Canceled Projects Technical Paper Workshop – SPAC speaker will be speaking on this topic – Have an over abundance of workshops IEEE-USA Annual Meeting in Austin – Cost was way too much

4 Projects in the Process GNU/Linux Workshop – Redesigned; will be part of the Robotics and Automation ‘club’ to draw interest – End of the year Region 5 Conference – Baton Rouge this year, will be lots of fun – Ten to fifteen students will be attending Circuits Team – 2 students will be participating this year

5 Robotics Competition Saw a huge spike in involvement this year – 30-40 interested members – 10+ active In the fall, we introduced the new people (and learned ourselves) to Ardunio development – Fast and easy to introduce. Spring, we will be continuing to work on the robot for this years competition – Very excited to be working with some new stuff which we will be showing off at the spring region 5 meet

6 Projects in Process Cont’d Creation of Two Society Branches – Computer Society – Robotics and Automation Society – Both proposals to the school are being written, need faculty support – This project will be extended through the fall T-Shirts / Officer Polo – Design is done, in process of finding a vendor for printing – Will be ‘subsidized’ by branch price $5-8

7 Completed Projects Fall/Spring Membership Drives – Saw results immediately – Huge growth, with more to come Faculty Advising Blitz – Students received student branch branded advising materials and free soda – Lots of interest in student branch from this Resume/Curriculum Vitae – Brent Thompson, the engineering career advisor, presented – Workshops are in conjunction with the career center in spring


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