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Red River Valley Section Report Kelly Bjerke Chair Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "Red River Valley Section Report Kelly Bjerke Chair Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red River Valley Section Report Kelly Bjerke Chair Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago

2 Red River Valley Section Membership ~300

3 Highlights of 2006 Activities Eight Meetings –Jan: Arc Flash Hazard –Feb: OTP Storm Damage to Power System –Mar: UND Hydrogen Vehicle, Students –Apr: NDSU/UND Students –Jun: Russell Lefevre –Sep: OTP Power Plant –Oct: Engelstad Arena –Nov: Elections, RFID Most Successful (By Attendance) –Arc Flash Hazard Presentation Interesting Technical Topic, Students, Free Food –Annual Student Project Presentation Competition Rivalry, Most Members are Alums

4 Plan for 2007 Section Meetings/Events –Jan: LM Glasfiber Tour –Mar: MPAC Seminar – Carl Selinger –Apr: Minnkota Power Coop Substation Tour –Apr: Student Project Presentations –Fall: Three Meetings Being Planned Some Goals –Identify Candidates for Section Office Early –Two New Senior Members –Continue Support of Student Branches –Website Maintenance - Webmaster

5 How Can R4 Help in Meeting Your Section’s Goals? Funding for Second Delegates, Training –Region 4 Meeting, IEEE-USA Leadership Workshop, Sections Congress, etc. Volunteerism, Communications –Ideas for getting members to meetings and to volunteer for office & committees –Sample Surveys –IEEE Branded Gifts for Speakers, Hosts

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