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Passing the Torch While It’s Still Lit Effective Club Officer Transitions Greg Mellor Assistant Director, Center for Faith and Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Passing the Torch While It’s Still Lit Effective Club Officer Transitions Greg Mellor Assistant Director, Center for Faith and Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passing the Torch While It’s Still Lit Effective Club Officer Transitions Greg Mellor Assistant Director, Center for Faith and Justice

2 GoalsGoals before leaving this session: 1.Understand the importance of end of year leadership transition with your club 2.Learn effective ways to make this transition 3.Begin the process of setting calendar dates for transition

3 Think About Your Experience  What do you wish you knew?  What resources did you wish you had/knew about?  What did you learn the hard way?  What did you like/dislike as a member?  What did your previous officers do well in transitioning you in?  What is the most difficult/confusing aspect of my position?  What resources that helped me the most in my position?  What do you wish you had done, but didn’t?  What needs to be done immediately this fall?  What needs to be done in early spring semester?

4 Why effective transition is important…  Turnover can cause confusion  Maintain legacy of club  Sense of accomplishment and closure  Leaving officers possess experience and insight  Continue momentum for following school year  New officers enter school year confident, knowledgeable and productive

5 What helps in an effective transition?  Binders specific to EACH officer position  Add to each binder during school year  Keep it organized  What to include…  Roles of officer  Contact lists (past & current officers, resources, advisor)  OrgSync and Email logins and passwords  Meeting minutes, notes  Event Information  Mid/End of Year Report  Other…

6 Officers Retreat or Extended Meeting Fall Semester  Who should attend?  Current offices and advisor (only if needed)  What to include and cover  Ice-breakers  Review of mission, purpose, GOALS for semester  Articulate elf-expectations and expectations of one another, advisor, members, etc.  Team-buildering exercises  Goals for upcoming year  Budgeting  Events for the upcoming year  Task list moving forward

7 Retreat or Extended Officers Meeting Spring Semester  Who should attend?  Outgoing and incoming officers and advisor (if needed)  Stage 1  Introduction/Icebreakers  Review and evaluation of past year’s events  Officer Exchanges (Binder sharing!)  Share list of roles and expectations for officer positions  Update OrgSync info  Time for questions  Goodbye departing officers   Stage 2  Exchange Contact Info (if not already in binder)  Discuss and record  Expectations of one another  Goals for the coming year (use worksheet)  Ideas and calendar of events  Budgetary concerns

8 Utilize Your Advisor  Communicate roles and expectations of each other  It is officers’ responsibility to schedule meetings  Advisor can offer…  Ideas for growth  Challenge and support the club/officers  Ideas of Events/Functions, meeting content  Aid with club maintenance and budget

9 Utilize OSIOSI  Student Organization Resource Room - GSC 220  Open 24/7  SGA Budget System/SORF Board  Storage Bin Available 

10 Get started NOW…  Create a concrete transition schedule  Set dates for…  Officer elections by early spring semester  Allow for AT LEAST 1 month transition period (March)  Spring semester officers retreat  New officers take on full responsibility  Introduce new officers to advisor

11 Additional Resources  Student Leader Transition Guide  Sample Checklist  Great Binder Content Ideas  Charts/Tables  Transition-Guide-SPRING-2011-2.pdf Transition-Guide-SPRING-2011-2.pdf  Officer Transition Checklist  sition%20Checklist.pdf sition%20Checklist.pdf

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