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Communication Styles What is effective communication?

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Styles What is effective communication?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Styles What is effective communication?

2 What’s effective communication  Transmitting concepts in your brain to the brain of another person or persons  To have effective communication, the other person(s) must receive and interpret the ideas as you intended  Source:http://www.maximumadv Source:http://www.maximumadv

3 Effective Communicative Skills  A six step cycle- the following video will give an overview of the steps. ure=player_embedded&v=6o3fxJ5Q_R U

4 There’s more to it than just talking…  Good communication also involves listening carefully and paying attention to a person’s behavior when they are speaking  Watch the following video- what did you see, what did you hear? ?v=m2upjBWRrfU

5 Four Communication Styles  Controller –  Wants just the facts  Can be perceived as bossy and insensitive  Extremely goal oriented & motivated to get things done  Promoter-  Lots of fun, likes to talk endlessly  They are enthusiastic, curious & expressive  Source:http://www.maximum Source:http://www.maximum  Supporter-  Calm, cool & collected  Patient, competent and steady workers  Do not like conflict  Good listeners & usually have many friends  Likes to avoid offending anyone  Analyzer-  Likes facts & figures  Sometimes slow to make a decision without enough info  Loves lists, charts, graphs, and figures  Sometimes seen as pessimistic  Often seen as frugal or economical

6 Communicating with someone with the opposite communication style????  Controller-  get to the point  Set & clarify goals and objectives  Give conclusions, solve problems and talk in terms of results not methods Promoter-  Talk in terms of people and stories, use lots of examples  Leave plenty of time for talk and social niceties  Supporter-  Don’t come on too strong  Earn their trust in small steps  Provide plenty of reassurance  Analyzer-  Be well prepared for talking when this person  Have plenty of facts & figures  Answer all their questions  Give them time to think & analyze information

7 One last thought…  The communication filter –  A way for people to monitor what they may say or do when communicating with others  Note: All four communication styles use communication filters at different times and in different situations.

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