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Toddlers Intellectual Development. Language Development 12 months18 months24-30 months 30-36 months  makes up words  Understan ds simple instruction.

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1 Toddlers Intellectual Development

2 Language Development 12 months18 months24-30 months 30-36 months  makes up words  Understan ds simple instruction s  Understan ds “no”, “mama”, “dada”  Says a few words  Knows 10- 20 words  Uses 1 or 2 word sentences  Id’s simple pictures  Asks “what’s that?”  Tries to sing  Knows 50- 250 words  Uses 2-3 word sentences  Refers to self by name  Talks to toys  Follows easy directions  Understan ds easy questions  Knows 400-1000 words  Understan ds basic time concepts  Likes to hear a story many times  Uses longer sentences  Knows name, sex, rhymes, and stories  Follows and remember s simple directions  Asks “why?”  Infants communicate by crying, cooing and then babbling  around 12 months, toddlers will start to say single words Single words=Holophrases Ex. Up=pick me up go=I want to leave now Mine=this is mine *sound substitutions

3  Language Development con’t  Childs first words are usually nouns (mama, dada, doggy)  Verbs, or actions words usually come next (bye- bye, go, run)  Description words usually come next (big, fast, cold, hot)

4  Con’t  Duo Sentences: 2 words ex: mama stay, dada asleep, me go  An easy way to encourage learning communication is to respond to child attempts to communicate and talk during daily routine activities

5   Neuron: nerve cell  Neural Pathway: the link between neurons  Cortex: part of the brains cerebrum; its growth permits complex learning  Axon: connections between neurons that transmits instructions from the cell body to another neuron  Myelin: fatty, insulating substance, which helps transmit information from one nerve cell to another Early Brain Development

6   Dendrite: a branchlike feature at the end of each axon that receives electronic messages from other neurons  Synapse: the tiny gap between the dendrites where messages are transmitted from one neuron to another  Neurotransmitter: a chemical released by the axon  Cerebrum: receives information from the senses and directs motor activities More Definitions…

7   According to Piaget, toddlers in sensorimotor stage until age 2-whild uses senses and motor skills to learn and discover the world  Toddlers learn by doing every day things: playing, eating, dressing, bathing  Parents/caregivers need to take advantage of opportunities to help toddler learn Cognitive Development

8  Types of learning  Incidental learning: unplanned learning  Trial and error: child tries several solutions to find one that works  Imitation: watching and copying others  Directed learning: concepts taught by parents, teachers, caregivers

9  AgeDevelopment Milestone 1 year  Begins to put 2 words together  Names common objects/people  Understands “no”, ignores it  Finds hidden objects 2 years  Uses 2-3 words sentences  Knows about 500 words  Follows simple directions  Identifies colors 3 years  Uses longer sentences  Knows about 900 words  Follows 2-part directions  Sorts by color and shape Intellectual Developmental Milestones

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