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Sub-Science &Technology

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1 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat 8. HIGHWAY TO HEALTH Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic - Highway to Health Logylogyat

2 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat SUB UNITS :- 8.1- Health. 8.2- Disease. 8.3- Prevention of disease. 8.4- Some infectious disease. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Tpic - Highway to Health Logylogyat

3 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat HEALTH : We often to see people jogging or going for walks, practicing yoga or suryanamaskar early in the morning before the start of a hectic day. words such as healthy habits, healthy food and healthy lifestyle or the proverb ‘health is wealth’ are frequently heard around us. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

4 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity 1) Discuss whether the people in the following examples are healthy? An alcoholic A child having fever. A drug addict. A mentally sick person. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

5 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Answers : All the above persons are not healthy. Alcoholic and drug addicts are physically, mentally and socially ill as they are hooked on to addictions. A child having fever is physically unwell. A mentally sick person too needs support . Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

6 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 2) What is your conclusion ? Ans. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of a person and not the absence of a disease. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

7 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat According to the definition of World Health Organization ( WHO ) , “health is state of complete physical , mental , social well being of a person and not just absence of diseases.” Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

8 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat Interrelation of health with personal , social , economic and environmental issues. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

9 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Given below are some situations of ill health. Discuss in your class the probable reasons for the illness. Classify your reasons into personal, environmental and social. Is there more than one reason for some of the above situations? Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

10 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Manager of a multinational company suffers from a heart attack. Ans. Manager of multinational company is always under mental stress as he has many responsibilities. he does not get enough time for exercise. His diet may be improper which leads to lifestyle disease in him. The reason for his ill health are personal and social. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

11 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat 2. A pregnant women who works as a daily labourer is tired all the time. Ans. A labourer women is from lower economic group and does not get enough nutrition to feed herself and her growing foetus. Her nutritional demand are more as she is pregnant. But due to hardwork she is tired all the time. The reason for her ill health are social and economics. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

12 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 3. All the members of a family staying in a slum are suffering from diarrhoea. Ans. In slum there are no hygienic sanitation systems. The people may defecate in the open and this causes spread of bacteria through flies and other sources. The family members also may not be following the norms of cleanliness and hygiene. Thus the social, economical and environmental are responsible for this situation. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

13 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 4. Sameer gets chickenpox. Ans. Chickenpox is highly contagious viral disease. Sameer contract the infection from the virus of chickenpox. If he is not taking proper diet or exercise, his immunity would become low and he may contract chickenpox. the reason for this situation are personal, social and environmental. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

14 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 5. Grandfather is suffering from arthritis. Ans. Arthritis is a degenerative disease. As old as advances, the joint become painful and cause arthritis. The reason for arthritis is personal. 6. Various epidemics spread after floods. Ans. Houseflies breed on such garbage resulting in spread of harmful bacteria. Another possibility is unhygienic sewage seeping into water. the reason for ill health after flood is environmental. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

15 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 7. People suffer from common cold during winter. Ans. During winter, due to lesser temperature viruses can thrive for longer period. Environmental and social reasons are causing common cold. 8. People are injured during an earthquake. Ans. During earthquake, the building and houses collapse due to tremors in earth. this may be injured people. The reasons for this is environmental. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

16 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 9. What can you conclude from the above activity? Ans. Conclusion : various disease are caused due to interaction of factors like personal, social, environmental, economics, etc. when the health is affected, one cannot think of the individual reasons there are many factors that ultimately decide the health of an individual. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

17 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Good health of an individual is the collective efforts of the individual ,the community , the society in which he/she lives and his/her physical environment . Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

18 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Community Health Environmental and economic factors affect community and personal health. Today healthy individuals are an asset to the community. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

19 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. activity Write effective slogans on community and personal health. Ans. Slogans: 1)Health is wealth. 2)Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

20 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Factors essential for good health. a) Personal health and public cleanliness Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

21 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. What happen when : People defecate in open spaces. Ans. The beauty of the place lost by stinking faecal matter and the site of the people defecating in the open. The hygiene of entire area becomes worst. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

22 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 2) There are many flies and cockroaches in the kitchen of the restaurant. Ans. Cockroach can carry germs of typhoid and other diseases through its walking legs. Flies are notoriously known for the ability of contaminate the food. If people eat in such restaurants, there is possibility that they may get sick. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

23 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 3) There are heaps of garbage and overflowing gutters in city. Ans. When the heaps of garbage are left unattended, these can be breeding grounds for many harmful insects and animal like rats. many disease causing germs will be transmitted by such insects. The entire area will look filthy and will have a dirty sink emanating from garbage. when water is contaminated, many water borne disease will spread in city. There is every chance that epidemics will spread in no time. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

24 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 4) Food items in the kitchen are not covered. Ans. Uncovered food always get contaminated with dirt, dust, flies sitting over it. Such food invites many food borne infections. Health will suffer due to this negligence of keeping the food uncovered. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

25 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Our government puts in lots of efforts to helps us maintain public health . Various civic bodies are set up for this purpose which work round the clock to maintain cleanliness . A conscious efforts by every individual is needed to help the civic bodies in their endeavour of maintaining public cleanliness. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

26 Health economic and social factors: Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Health economic and social factors: Social and economic conditions may be some of the factors on which health depends . Good economic condition have a direct correlation with individual health. To be healthy one also needs to get sound sleep and be free from tensions and anxiety, which is not possible unless there is social equality and harmony . Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

27 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. HEALTH HAS BEEN DECLARED A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT. APRIL 7 WORLD HEALTH DAY Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

28 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. APRIL 07 Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

29 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Are the terms being healthy and disease free? Discuss with your classmates. What do you conclude? Ans. Health depends on several factors such as social, mental , emotional & even a spiritual well - being. Disease free may be considered as just the physical condition. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

30 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Disease : Disease as the word suggests , means DIS-EASE or not at ease or ‘ departure from health’. Disease is a conditions of the body in which the vital functions are disturbed physiologically or psychologically. The point of entry of the pathogen and its target tissue in the body may not be same. e.g. hepatitis virus enters through the mouth and produces disease in the liver. Poliovirus enters through the mouth and affect the nervous system. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

31 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Symptoms and sign of disease : Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

32 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity 1) How do you come to know that you are ill and must visit a doctor? Ans. Some symptoms are noticed if our health is disturbed. For example, there may be headache, loose motion, fever, cold or cough or pain some where in the body. Topic- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Highway to Health Logylogyat

33 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 2) When you visit him how do you describe your illness? Ans. After visiting a doctor we describe our feelings. The types of pain or other trouble which we are experiencing. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

34 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Symptom of the disease are the changes in the body that makes one feel sick or unwell. symptoms cannot be verified or measured; they are subjective to a particular patients. Example, aches and pain, itching, cough, cold, etc. Signs give definite indication or inference of the presence of a particular disease. Sign of disease can be verified by doctor, hence they are objective. Example, blood pressure, pulse rate etc. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

35 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. The severity of symptoms depend upon the number of disease producing germs present in the body. If the disease producing microbes are less the disease manifestation is minor i.e. the symptoms are so less that they may even go unnoticed. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

36 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Inflammation or oedema : When tissues get damaged due to infection, chemicals such as Histamine come out from them. These chemicals attract blood, due to which amount of blood supply and temperature of the wounded area increases. Plasma and WBCs are also discharged at the affected site. Thus oedema is produced locally. Macrophages and some WBCs secrete a chemical called interferon, which makes the body cells resistant to infection by viruses. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

37 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. TYPE OF DISEASES : Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

38 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Some very common disease affecting human being are given below. Typhoid, malaria, diabetes, common cold, tuberculosis, hepatitis, polio. Are these diseases similar ? Ans. No. 2. Can you suggest criteria by which you can classify them? Ans. We can classify to the mode of their transmission. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

39 Sub-Science &Technology

40 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

41 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Types based on the time for which the diseases lasts. a) Chronic diseases - Diseases that lasts for a long time , some time even for a life time , is called chronic diseases . Example )Diabetes. 2)Tuberculosis . b)Acute diseases - Diseases that lasts for a shorter duration is called acute diseases. Example )Common cold . DISEASES THAT LASTS FOR A SHORTER DURATION, IS AN ACUTE DISEASES . AS IT GETS CURED FAST IT DOSE NOT GET TIME TO CAUSE MAJEOR DAMAGE TO THE GENRAL HEALTH OF THE PERSON. EXAMPLE COMMON COLD Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

42 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Endemic - Disease is found in a certain area attacking fewer people. e.g. filariasis is endemic in the three districts of Kerala (Kottayam, Allappuzha, Ernakulum). 2. Epidemic - Disease spread from place to place affecting large number of people. e.g. typhoid epidemic can spread during a pilgrimage. 3. Pandemic – Disease spread world wide. e.g. AIDS. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

43 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Last for a few days/ weeks/ months/ years Affects efficiency for how long Is there any long term affect on any organ Common cold Few days For about 2 to 3 days NO Typhoid About 2 to 3 weeks For about 3 to 5 weeks Asthma Years Depends upon the severity of asthma YES arthritis years In old age after the degeneration has progressed sufficiently Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

44 Types based on the cause of the diseases: Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Types based on the cause of the diseases: A) Diseases caused due to infection agent or pathogen is called infectious diseases. example influenza , amoebic dysentry etc. B) Diseases caused due to non-infection reason is called communicable diseases. example night blindness and degenerative diseases. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

45 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Stephen william hawking is a well known british theoretical physicist. His work on black holes, theoretical cosmology and quantum gravity is appreciated all over the world. He started developing symptoms of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a kind of neuro muscular dystrophy which almost completely paralysed him. In 1985 he caught pneumonia and under – went tracheotomy which made him unable to speak. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

46 LEVELS OF CAUSE OF A DISEASE : Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. LEVELS OF CAUSE OF A DISEASE : Though we know that infectious diseases are caused by pathogens , there are various other factor which contribute to the contraction of a disease. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

47 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Read the following paragraph Chetan is three years old. His family has migrated to a city from a remote village. They stay in a slum. There is a gutter, public toilet just beside their hut. Chetan’s parents are uneducated and do not have proper means of earning. His mother does not know the importance of balanced food. He has recently suffered an attack of polio. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

48 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. What are reasons for chetan’s sickness? What can you conclude about levels of the different causes? Ans. Chetan is from economically backward family. Therefore, he does not get balanced and nutritious diet. Chetan is not immunized against polio. They stay in hut behind a public toilet. His family using contaminated water after coming to city Chetan become sick as his immunity was already lower. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

49 MEANS OF SPREAD OF A DISEASES : Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. MEANS OF SPREAD OF A DISEASES : An infectious diseases spreads through air , water , and food or by vectors and through sexual contact. Example of air borne diseases are tuberculosis , pneumonia , swine flu etc. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

50 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. We live in an environmental along with other living being apart from us . It is inevitable that many diseases will be transmitted to us by the they are called vectors . The female anopheles mosquitoe causes spreading malaria in healthy humans Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

51 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity Avoid stale food Drink filtered and boiled water Spray kerosene on the stagnant water Cover the mouth while coughing or sneezing Wash your hand before eating and after visiting the toilet Cover the food and eatables Use clean utensils to store water yes no Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES : Micro-organisms spread quickly and widely where good community health is not maintained . Prevention of a diseases includes activity designed to protect members of the public from actual or potential health threats and there harmful consequences. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

53 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Activity never Some times always 1. Eat balanced & healthy diet. 2. Get proper rest & exercise. 3. Brush teeth & bathe regularly 4. Wash hands with soap before eating and after visiting a toilet. 5. Use a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing. 6.Consume or use tobacco or its products in any form. 7. Eat fast food. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. PREVENTION OF DISEASES FOLLOWS THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES Keeping out the infectious agents i.e. maintain public & personal hygiene. Availability of proper and sufficient food and water for everyone. Immunization. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

55 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. AN ORGANISMS HAS THE ABILITY TO RESIST DISEASES OR STOP ITS PROGRESS . THIS ABILITY IS CALLED IMMUNITY. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

56 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. IMMUNITY IS ALSO DEFINED AS “ THE RESIET TO THE ONSET OF A DISEASES AFTER INFECTION BY HARMFUL GERMS”. IMMUNISATION :- It is the process by which an individual’s immune system gets equipped to fight off an infectious agent. Active immunity is process is produced by vaccination . Immunisation against some common diseases has been taken up in India on a large scale by giving vaccines against them e.g. BCG vaccine, DPT vaccines , polio vaccine. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

57 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. SOME INFECTIONS DISEASE : 1. Bacterial Disease. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

58 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 1. It is caused by a bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis. These bacteria usually attack any part of the body such as kidney, bone, spine & brain. If not treated properly, TB can be fatal. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

59 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Signs &Symptoms - Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

60 1)Infants should be given BCG vaccine. Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. PREVENTION - 1)Infants should be given BCG vaccine. 2)TB patients should always cover with their mouth while coughing or sneezing. 3)The patient should use a spittoon containing household germicide for spitting. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

61 Sub-Science &Technology
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Logylogyat Measures taken by the government to control the spread of tuberculosis : World health organisation (WHO) has recommended directly observed treatment short course (DOTS) strategy to control TB. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

62 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. 2.TYPHOID - It is an infectious life threatening disease caused by bacteria (Salmonella typhi). It is contracted by ingestion of contaminated food or water. The bacteria survive in unhygienic conditions & spread through stools & vomit of patients. It follows faecal oral route and is transmitted directly by the contaminated hands of the patient or the carrier. These bacteria can survive in soil and water for several months. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

63 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Signs and Symptoms:- 1. The patient has very high fever . 2)Loss of appetite. 3)Abdominal pain. 4)Headache. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

64 Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Prevention:- 1) Generating awareness about clean and safe drinking water, sanitation, clean hygienic habits, eating covered food. 2)Vaccination gives protection for three years . Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

65 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Viral disease:- Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

66 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. A) Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by a group of viruses. There are five main hepatitis viruses referred to as Type A,B,C,D and E Hepatitis A,B & C are contagious. Hepatitis is more common and serious in India. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

67 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Sign and Symptoms:- The symptoms of hepatitis include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes),dark yellow urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomitting and abdominal pain, loss of appetite and white or clay-coloured stools. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

68 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. PREVENTION:- Hepatitis A & B :-Through vaccination . No vaccine is available for hepatitis C & hepatitis E . Since hepatitis B occurs only in persons with active hepatitis B, the vaccine of hepatitis B prevents hepatitis D. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

69 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. B) RABIES : Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

70 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS :- 1) Headache, fever, depression, loss of appetite, sometimes itching or pain at the site of bite. 2) Two to ten days later the signsof damage to the nervous system appear. The patient experiences anxiety, hypersalivation, disorientation,hallucination,seizure and paralysis, spasm of the throat muscles, hydrophobia and difficulty in swallowing. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

71 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Prevention:- 1)Vaccination )Cleaning the of the site of wound with soap & water )Vaccination of pets. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. C) Poliomyelitis: Symptoms- Fewer, fatigue, headache, yomitting, stiffness in the neck, pain in the limbs & permanent paralysis of limbs. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

73 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Prevention: There is no cure for polio, it can only be prevented. Oral polio vaccine given multiple times can protect a child for life. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Pulse polio immunization campaign : ‘pulse polio’ is an immunization campaign established by the government of India in 1994 to eradicate polio in India. Pulse polio uses oral vaccine because it is : Easy to administer Inexpensive Reaches intestine directly & prevent disease causing virus. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

75 Sub-Science &Technology
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. AIDS- AIDS was first recognised in USA. AIDS STANDS FOR ‘ACQUIRED IMMUNO DEFICIENCY SYNDROME’. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

77 Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Signs and Symptoms: Due to weakened immune system ‘opportunistic infections’ may occur (e.g. TB, herpes, yeast and fungal infections). It can also cause unusual conditions like lymphoma of brain. Symptoms may vary from person to person. blood test such as ELISA are performed to diagnose the disease. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health Logylogyat

78 Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Preventions : Avoid sexual contact with infected person. Use disposable syringes and needles. Avoid common razors in the barber shop. Before receiving blood transfusion one should ensure that it has been screened for HIV. People are to be educated about transmission of AIDS. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health Logylogyat

79 Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health
Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. DIARRHOEA- Signs and symptoms- 1)Loose motions )abdominal pain )vomitting. 4) bloating. 5)Dehydration Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Dehydration : Diarrhoea can cause dehydration. Signs of dehydration include thirst, less urination, dry skin, fatigue, light headedness, no tears while crying & sunken abdomen. Loss of electrolyte may be fatal. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic-Highway To Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Preventions : Eatables should be covered to prevent contamination. Fruit & vegetables should be properly washed before consumption. Hands should be washed before eating and after visiting a toilet. Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

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Logylogyat Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Karmaveer Vidyaprabodhini,Madhya vibhag,Satara. Concept Map Health Types are INFLUENCES Personal Health Community Health Poor health can lead to Symptoms INDENTIFIED Disease by or Due to Signs Causes Minimized by Precention Immunization Some methods Vaccination Std-9th Sub-Science &Technology Topic- Highway to Health Logylogyat

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