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1 =v6X28byZZbI&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_77 4253

2 Hamilton’s financial plan created serious disagreements among leaders. Many Americans disagreed about the role of their nation government. Why it Matters

3 Faction: An organized political gorup James Madison considered factions to be selfish groups Page 290 Federalist #10 George Washington was not happy with the creation of political parties because he felt political parties would destroy the fabric of America Thomas Jefferson and James Madison become leaders of the Republican Party Alexander Hamilton becomes the leader of the Federalist Party Political Parties Emerge

4 1790’s Republicans believed that the federal government was growing too strong under Pres. Washington. They wanted to keep the power at the state level. They feared that a strong central government would act like a monarchy. Many Republicans were Southerners Page 291 Republicans against Federalist

5 Federalists believed that the United States needed a strong federal government to hold the country together and to solve national problems Republicans felts that Federalist wanted to “bring back a king” Federalist supported a national bank Republicans opposed a national bank Republicans and Federalist

6 FederalistRepublicans Republicans thought Federalist wanted to “bring back a king” Republicans opposed a national bank Republicans wanted close ties with France Believed that the United States needed a strong federal government to hold the country together and to solve national problems Federalist supported a national bank Federalist wanted close ties with Britain Organizing and Arguing

7 In 1796, George Washington would not run for a third term setting an important PRECEDENT. 22 nd Amendment will be added in 1951 legally limiting a President to two terms Thomas Jefferson (Democrat Republican) and John Adams (Federalist) Adams finished first and Jefferson finished second Federalist President and Republican Democrat becomes Vice President Election of 1796

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