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Martin Luther Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses on the Church in Wittenberg 10/31/1517.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses on the Church in Wittenberg 10/31/1517."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses on the Church in Wittenberg 10/31/1517

2 Martin Luther Monk and a teacher Taught scripture at University of Wittenberg Upset by actions of friar Johann Tetzel

3 Causes for Reformation Social Political Economic Religious

4 Social Causes for Reformation Renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the Church Printing press helped spread criticism and critical ideas about the Church

5 Political Causes for Reformation Powerful monarchs challenged the Church as the supreme power in Europe Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority

6 Economic Causes for Reformation European princes and kings were jealous of Church’s wealth Merchants and others resented having to pay taxes to the Church

7 Religious Causes for Reformation Some Church leaders had become worldly and corrupt Many people found Church practices such as the sale of indulgences unacceptable –Indulgences were pardons that released a sinner from performing the penalty a priest imposed for sins.

8 Ninety-Five Theses 10/31/1517 Halloween! Luther posts his Ninety-Five Theses on the Church in Wittenberg as a response to the problems he found with the Church He wanted other scholars to debate him There was no intent to create a new religion… he simply wanted to attack the “pardon merchants” within the Church

9 Luther’s Teachings People could achieve salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness (Good works were not needed) All Church teachings should be based clearly on the words of the Bible All people with faith are equal… therefore there was no need for priests to interpret the Bible for people

10 Results that Followed Excommunication Formation of Lutherans Peasants revolted in Europe Political/Religious upheaval in Europe Protestantism

11 Excommunication 1520 Pope Leo X threatened Luther with excommunication (banishment from the Church) Luther did not retract his statements or ask for forgiveness from Pope Leo X and was then excommunicated

12 Edict of Worms 1521 Luther was ordered to stand trial for or recant his statements. Luther again refused and the Edict of Worms was made by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V declaring Luther an outlaw and a heretic 1522 Lutherans were now practicing the teachings of Luther in Wittenberg

13 Peasants Revolt 1524- Luther’s ideas were applied to society (Freedoms/Equality) Peasants demanded an end to serfdom and destroyed and pillaged monasteries Luther was horrified and supported the princes in putting down the revolt 100,000 people died Others felt alienated and rejected Luther as a leader

14 German Princes at War Many German princes supported Luther This was a way for many to free themselves from the rule of Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor 1529 an agreement was signed by those who supported the Pope… others supported Luther and protested becoming known as Protestants


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