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FYP2 Workshop: Technical Aspects of Thesis Writing and Seminar presentation Azizan Mohd. Noor UniKL MICET.

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Presentation on theme: "FYP2 Workshop: Technical Aspects of Thesis Writing and Seminar presentation Azizan Mohd. Noor UniKL MICET."— Presentation transcript:

1 FYP2 Workshop: Technical Aspects of Thesis Writing and Seminar presentation Azizan Mohd. Noor UniKL MICET

2 Content of workshop Technical aspects of thesis writing – Azizan Mohd. Noor Thesis writing format – Dr. Kelly Yong Seminar presentation – Azizan Mohd. Noor

3 General philosophy A thesis is an attempt to persuade. The key to persuasion is organization. A picture is worth a thousand words. Don't use a thousand words where five hundred will do.

4 A thesis is an attempt to persuade Key questions that reader/reviewer will ask: What is the research question? Is it a good question? Is it important?  Has it been answered before?  Is it a useful question to work on? Did the author convince me that the question was adequately answered? Has the author made an adequate contribution to knowledge?

5 General philosophy of thesis writing: Hierarchy of importance Content – the message given Style – the way that message is presented (structure, language, and illustration) Form – the appearance of the message (grammar, punctuation, usage, spelling, and format).

6 Content of a thesis Title Page Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Figures & Tables Abbreviations Abstract, (2 languages) Content – Introduction – Materials and Methods – Results – Discussion – Conclusion – Bibliography Publication List (if available)

7 Abstract Write this LAST! Abstracts should be 1-2 pages and should be self- contained Written to attract readers to your article or thesis, gives a good initial impression Summary of the contents of the thesis Brief but contains sufficient detail motivation for the work project objectives techniques employed main results and conclusions

8 Introduction Write this second to last! This is a general introduction to what the thesis is all about -- it is not just a description of the contents of each section State your research question or problem statement Why it is a worthwhile question Your research objectives

9 Literature review Provides context for and details about the motivation for the project States why the problem is important Sets the scene for the work described in the thesis Describes what others have done and hence sets a benchmark for the current project Justifies the use of specific techniques or problem solving procedures

10 Methodology A description of the methods employed in your research Why was the method used? Is it the most accurate? A critical assessment may be necessary. Be precise in your description. Above all – know what you are doing!! Easiest section to write

11 Results - Data presentation Tables or figures? Draft your figures first: (A picture is worth a thousand words) Make captions stand alone Write your text around your figures/tables All figures/tables must be referred to in your text

12 Discussion Look at discussion sections in papers in your field. See what they cover Relate to previous published results and interpretations by other researchers Have your research findings addressed and answered your research question(s)? Is NOT a conclusion section

13 Conclusions Summary of contributions Conclusions are short, concise statements of the inferences that you have made because of your work It helps to organize these as short numbered paragraphs, ordered from most to least important All conclusions should be directly related to the research question stated

14 Ethics in writing a thesis Do not plagiarize Citations done correctly Acknowledge all contributions, including verbal communications

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