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Evaluating a Scientific Paper. Organization 1.Title 2. Summary or Abstract 4. Material and Methods 5. Results 6. Discussion and Conclusions 7. Bibliography.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating a Scientific Paper. Organization 1.Title 2. Summary or Abstract 4. Material and Methods 5. Results 6. Discussion and Conclusions 7. Bibliography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating a Scientific Paper

2 Organization 1.Title 2. Summary or Abstract 4. Material and Methods 5. Results 6. Discussion and Conclusions 7. Bibliography or References 3. Introduction 8. Acknowledgements

3 Title: Key words summarizing the main impact or subject of the paper Used to set key words in data bases Short and decisive Avoids stating findings Avoids negative implications

4 Abstract or Summary Brief synopsis of paper Summarizes major findings Summarizes implications and conclusions Helps the reader decide if a full reading of paper is warranted

5 Introduction Background of the problem Current status of understanding Purpose and justification of present study Hypothesis guiding the work Brief intimation of findings and earlier work of author Objectives of present study

6 Material and Methods Materials: Source of subjects, humans or animals Treatment of subjects Source of materials Methods: Cook-book style of procedures performed Analytical methodology employed Data evaluation

7 Results Reports findings Tables and figures to synopsize findings Avoids interpretations, discusses only facts presented

8 Discussion Links findings to major objectives of the work Links findings to current status of field Cites agreements or disagreements with previous work Intimates promising leads for future work Conclusions Opinion by author regarding value of present work to advancing the current knowledge of the field Cites limitations and suggests new approaches

9 Critiquing a Scientific Paper

10 What to look for 1. Does the title fit with the abstract, results and conclusions 4. Are procedures given sufficient detail 2. Does the paper have a well-defined hypothesis 3. Are the objectives an adequate test of the hypothesis 5. Are units properly defined, statistical measurements explained 6. Do the numbers shown in the tables and figures jive with each other 7. Does the explanation of results fit the data presented 9. Is opinion separated from fact 8. Do the data show good precision and accuracy

11 Good Accuracy Poor Precision Poor Accuracy Good Precision Accuracy versus Precision

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