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+ The Economic and Social Implications of an Ageing Population A consequence of increasing longevity.

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Presentation on theme: "+ The Economic and Social Implications of an Ageing Population A consequence of increasing longevity."— Presentation transcript:

1 + The Economic and Social Implications of an Ageing Population A consequence of increasing longevity

2 + Tasks: In groups answer the following questions

3 What do you think these people might worry about?

4 What sort of past times do you think these people enjoy?

5 What special equipment might this man need to live his everyday life?

6 What kind of standard of living do you think this couple expect?

7 What kind of standard of living does this man have?

8 + Dependency Ratio

9 + Key Questions and Skills Key Questions What is the global picture of life expectancy? What factors influence longevity? What are the economic and social implications of an ageing population? Skills Choropleth maps Population Pyramids

10 + Key points *The population of the world is ageing significantly.* In 2005, 10% of the population was over 60 – this is expected to reach 20% by 2050. In developed countries 20% of the population total were aged 60 or more by 2005. This demographic ageing is caused by increased life expectancy (greater longevity), and declining fertility.

11 + The dependency ratio Demographic ageing is a major concern for governments in many MEDCs as the age dependency ratio (ADR) increases - the numbers if pensioners for every 100 working people in a country In the UK the ADR was 15% in 1950, by 2000 it was 25%, and in 2040 it is expected to be over 40%

12 + In the next 50 years the global population is set to age

13 + Populations of developed regions will shrink in size eventually there being less people in each age cohort

14 + In less developed regions population will change from being youthful to more stable and growth will slow

15 + Even in the poorest countries population growth will slow and life expectancy will begin to improve (although at a slower rate)

16 + In all countries the percentage of older people will increase as life expectancy at the global level improves


18 + THE UK Key Stats:








26 Problems of an Ageing Population

27 Less people working = less tax paid = less money = fewer services! Higher Death rate!

28 + More people wanting their pension BUT Less people working to pay for it!

29 + Increased need for healthcare But this is Long term Expensive /21878238

30 + Need for different services and entertainment Lots of old ladies!!

31 + UK elderly at ‘breaking point’

32 + Tasks: Label the picture to indicate the issues facing Britain’s ageing population

33 + Conclusions Globally life expectancy will increase Populations in the most developed areas will shrink proportionally The % of the worlds population over the age of 60 will double The median age of people in all continents will increase by at least 10 years

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