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Sucking and Gall-Forming Insects

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1 Sucking and Gall-Forming Insects

2 Sucking Insects Mouthparts pierce plant tissue and draw out fluid
Importance: Usually low in forests Overuse of pesticides can incite damaging infestations Some deadly exotics in U.S. Some vector plant disease Often favor young succulent growth, high in nitrogen

3 Sucking insects: wide diversity
Scales Lacebugs Adelgids Spittlebugs Thrips Mealybugs Thrips Tree/leaf- hoppers Aphids Whiteflies

4 Sucking Insects: possible signs and symptoms
Honeydew sooty mold Ants

5 Sucking Insects: possible signs and symptoms
Wooly ash aphid Curled, discolored, and/or distorted foliage Pink hibiscus mealybug Thrips “stippling” on sweetgum

6 Sucking Insects: possible signs and symptoms
Waxy or cottony masses or coatings Woolly pine scale Asian wooly hackberry aphid Flatid planthopper excretion Pine bark adelgid

7 Sucking Insects: possible signs and symptoms
Twig and branch dieback Kermes scale

8 Aphids Crapemyrtle Aphid Asian Wooly Hackberry Aphid Oleander Aphid
Giant Bark Aphid

9 Scales Tuliptree scale Scale “crawler” Oak Lecanium Scale
Holly Pit Scale Florida Wax Scale Pine Needle Scale

10 Sycamore Lace Bug

11 Damaging Exotic Sucking Insects in Florida
Pick Hibiscus Mealybug Lobate Lac Scale

12 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid An exotic eliminating eastern hemlocks

13 Factors that influence occurrence & impact: sucking insects
Young succulent tissue Enhanced nutrient levels Overuse of broad-spectrum insecticides

14 Management: sucking insects
Do nothing (let natural enemies do the job) Inspect for evidence of ladybugs, lacewings, other natural enemies Hard jet of water (periodic, safe on natural enemies) Insecticidal Soaps (e.g., Safer’s, M-Pede,homemade) Disrupts cuticle, must cover pest, target scale crawlers Horticultural oils (e.g., SunSpray Ultra-fine oil) Act by suffocation, must cover pest, target scale crawlers Systemic Insecticides (e.g. Imidacloprid) as root drench, trunk injection

15 Galls Abnormal plant cell growth stimulated by another organism
wasps, midges, aphids & mites Bacteria, fungi, nematodes >2000 gall producing-insects in the United States 60% occur on the oak family Primarily of aesthetic concern Stem galls may kill shoot

16 Oak Apple Gall Spherical galls on oaks in spring, summer
Alternating wasp generations Adults emerge from galls, mate, female lays eggs in roots Female wasps emerge from roots in 2nd spring, lay egg in leaf midrib Amphibolips confluenta

17 Horned Oak Gall Caused by cynipid wasps Laurel, water, other oaks
One wasp emerges from each “horn” Horned Oak Gall Caused by cynipid wasps Callirhytis spp. Laurel, water, other oaks Alternating twig and leaf gall stages Dense laurel oaks on poor sites

18 Cypress Twig Gall Midge
Spongy galls on ends of new cypress growth Orange larvae inside, overwinter Galls drops with foliage in winter

19 Management: galls Appreciate the beauty
Prune and destroy galls containing active life stages Plant site-appropriate tree species Conserve natural enemies through limited pesticide use

20 Thanks Again!

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