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CHAPTER 7: TEARS PAGE 77. GETTING READY TO READ When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? When is it OK to cry? Are there times when a person.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 7: TEARS PAGE 77. GETTING READY TO READ When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? When is it OK to cry? Are there times when a person."— Presentation transcript:


2 GETTING READY TO READ When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? When is it OK to cry? Are there times when a person should cry? Do you agree with a, b, or c? a.Crying is a healty thing to do. b.Crying is bad for you. c.Crying is neither good for you nor bad for you.

3 1.Infection 2.The cornea 3.Composition 4.An ounce 5.Acceptable a.a covering for the eye b.a small amount of liquid (less than 0.03 liters) c.generally considered good enough (behavior) d. the way something is made up of different things, parts, etc. e.sickness in a part of the body

4 FAST READING When you are finished you will have to be able to answer these questions: 1.What is the topic? 2.What is the main idea?

5 Topic? A.Eyes B.Tears C.Being sad D.Depression

6 Main Idea? A.The social rules about when crying is ok depends on family, culture, and religion. B.There are 3 different kinds of tears. C.Tears are normal and healthy.

7 Vocabulary

8 VOCABULARY BINGO!!!! Fill in your BINGO card with the chapter vocabulary words When you see a word on the screen, find it on your board and write a sentence using that word When you have 4 words/sentences in a row, YELL BINGO!

9 Blink (verb) The normal activity of quickly closing and opening the eye

10 Blow (verb) To move air

11 Chemical (noun) Something that causes changes in your body or brain

12 Differ (verb) To be different from

13 Emotional (adjective) Having to do with emotions

14 Fill In (phrasal verb) To make not empty…To put something in a hole

15 Flow (verb) To move continuously

16 Go Ahead (phrasal verb) Used to give permission or to say it is OK to do something

17 Liquid (noun) A thing that isn’t solid and can flow or be poured. Ex. Water, juice, soda, coffee, tea, etc.

18 Material (noun) The stuff that makes up larger things

19 Mental (adjective) Having to do with the mind / brain

20 Normal (adjective ) Typical, usual, ordinary, expected

21 Surface ( noun ) The top or outer layer of something

22 Throughout (adverb) During a period of time

23 View ( noun ) Opinion, the way you think about something

24 CAREFUL READING Read again & ask about the words and sentences you don’t understand.

25 True or False? Tears are important for keeping out eyes healthy. – TRUE Tears are important for our ability to see. – TRUE There are 2 different kinds of tears. – FALSE We have emotional tears in our eyes all the time. – FALSE People generally have the same ideas about when it is ok to cry. – FALSE Some people think it can be good for you to cry. – TRUE

26 What is the difference between quoting and paraphrasing?

27 Quoting and Paraphrasing Quoting: –S–Saying what someone else said in the same words. –U–Use quotation marks “ “ –“–“Emotional tears increase the amount of endorphin that gets to the brain.” Paraphrasing: –S–Saying what someone else said in YOUR OWN WORDS. –C–Change the words and the order these words comes in –W–When we cry because we are sad or happy, our brain receives more endorphins.

28 Which is a good paraphrase of the quote from the reading? 1.It has not been proven, but tears may be good not only for your eyes but for your emotional health as well. a.No one knows if tears are actually good for your eyes or for your emotions. b.Tears are good for our eyes and may be good for our emotional health, too. b

29 Which is a good paraphrase of the quote from the reading? 2. Emotional tears are tears we think of when we use the word cry. a.The word cry refers to one kind of tears, emotional tears. b.We cry emotional tears when we think of the word cry. a

30 Which is a good paraphrase of the quote from the reading? 3. Most people are aware of the social rules about when, where, and why it is acceptable to cry. a.Sometimes it is ok to cry, and sometimes it is not, and you have to learn the difference. b.Each culture has its rules for when crying is ok, and most members of a culture know its rules. b

31 Practice Time! You will see a question on the screen. Work with a partner to answer the question using a quote from the reading. This means use the words from the reading and quotation marks. Then, paraphrase the quotation. This means write the answer in your own words.

32 #1 What would happen if we did not have tears in our eyes? Quote? Paraphrase?

33 #2 How do tears help us see clearly? Quote? Paraphrase?

34 #3 What are the different types of tears? Quote? Paraphrase?

35 #4 Social rules about crying differ for children versus adults and often for men versus women. What else affects the rules? Quote? Paraphrase?

36 #5 What is a possible effect of the painkiller endorphin? Quote? Paraphrase?

37 Summarizing Work with a friend to write a summary of “Tears.” You can use quotations and paraphrases in your summary. Make sure you answer these questions in your summary: 1.What are tears good for? 2.Which kind of tears protect our eyes? 3.Which kind of tears do we produce when we cry? 4.What do social rules about crying tell us? 5.What do some people believe about crying?

38 TALK TO YOUR PARTNER In Turkish culture, when is it ok to cry? Are the rules different for men and women? – In what situations is it ok for men to cry? – Women? – Both? If you’re having trouble think about: at the movies, saying goodbye, at a funeral, getting hurt, etc.

39 When is it OK to cry? MENWOMENBOTH

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