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EDSP 6560 Sessions 8 & 9 Communication and Literacy Development Birth to Five Years Old Preschoolers- Becoming little people: language and literacy Development.

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Presentation on theme: "EDSP 6560 Sessions 8 & 9 Communication and Literacy Development Birth to Five Years Old Preschoolers- Becoming little people: language and literacy Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDSP 6560 Sessions 8 & 9 Communication and Literacy Development Birth to Five Years Old Preschoolers- Becoming little people: language and literacy Development Rosemary Kerrin, Ph.D.

2 Objectives- The students will be able to – Integrate gross, fine, and oral motor skills in an understanding of early language Describe the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Skinner Identify the linguistic aspects of early language development Explain the role of social interaction theory in early language development Integrate theoretical perspectives of early language development

3 Overview Physical Factors Psychological Perspective Social-Interaction Perspective Linguistic Perspective Piaget Vygotsky Skinner Gross/Fine Oral Neuro Attachment Interaction Phonology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics

4 Gross Motor Walks up & down steps alone (alternating feet, 2 to a step; one foot per step) Runs on tiptoe Climbs ladders, trees, playground equipment Rides tricycle, using pedals, turning corners Throws ball overhand, catches with extended arms

5 Fine Motor Builds towers, bridges, steps Threads beads Draw-a-man Cuts with scissors Copies circle, cross, square, triangle, letters

6 Oral Motor Eats with spoon, fork Baby teeth grown in, used for chewing Mouth no longer primary sensory organ Question of bottles, pacifiers, thumb sucking

7 Psychological - Piaget Pre-operational period Large -> small toy -> imaginary play Egocentric speech Solitary play -> Parallel play -> Cooperative play assimilation accommodation

8 Psychological - Luria Verbal comprehension & expressive language interact with symbolic understanding (each strengthens the other) Language integrates with cognition as vehicle for thought ZPD = Zone of Proximal Development

9 Psychological - Skinner Setting Event: context or situation that sets the occasion for interaction Stimulus -> Response -> Consequence Multiple Causation: setting event may not have apparent connection to response

10 Psychological Processing Figure-ground Discrimination Processing Memory (short term; long term; working memory) Attention*

11 Development of Attention (per Cooper, Moodley, & Reynell, 1979) Stage 1: extreme distractability (0-1 year) Stage 2: can concentrate for short time on concrete task of own choice; rigid & inflexible; reward must be part of task (1-2 y) Stage 3: attention single channeled, but more flexible & allows shift from task to directions and back again (2-3 y) Stage 4: attention single channeled, but child gaining control of attention focus (3-4 y) Stage 5: two channel attention; can assimilate verbal directions directly related to task without interrupting task to look at speaker (necessary for learning in large group situations) (4-5 y) Stage 6: fully integrated control of attention (6y+)

12 Social Development - Attachment Tries to help adult with tasks Shows empathy with others’ feelings Shares with others Affection for younger children; companions

13 Social Development - Interaction General behavior grows in independence; more amenable, affectionate -> self-willed, impertinent Joint play with other children; turn taking Understands need for rules, fair play Sense of humor developing Delays gratification to later time

14 Linguistics - Form Phonology phonological processes articulation of majority of consonants speech intelligible to most listeners easiest new words have phonemes in repertoire; reduplicated syllables easier Syntax & Morphology - MLU (Mean Length of Utterance) -ing; in / on; reg plural /s/, /z/, /wz/; irreg past; poss; copula; articles; reg past... regularity & variability across individuals phrase / clause / sentence pronouns / interrogatives / negatives comprehension v. production (imitative skills)

15 Linguistic - Content Semantics size - 50 words at 18 mo; 2,200 words at 5 y fast mapping: associates word w/ referrent after initial exposure extended mapping: info gradually expanded and modified referential learning style vs. personal-social learning style invented words / idiomorphs Relational terms: dimension / color / spatial / kinship / temporal

16 Linguistic - Use Pragmatics private speech - monologue; collective monologue; associated monologue socialized speech: acknowledge partners’ utterances Discourse: series of successive utterances shared by at least 2 persons Cohesion: topic introduction / turn taking / presupposition (perspective taking - linguistic, cognitive, perceptual) Conversational repairs

17 Other aspects Narratives - storytelling –heaps –sequences / chaining –primitive narratives –mature narratives Metalinguistics - listening to and talking about language

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