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2 Topic 1.3 Chemical/Biological Defense
- Agent Identification - First Aid - Decontamination

3 Enabling Objectives (page 1).
RECOGNIZE the characteristics and effects of chemical and biological agents. ANALYZE the protective measures of chemical and biological defense. RECOGNIZE chemical / biological attack alarms and signals. RECOGNIZE chemical / biological contamination.

4 Enabling Objectives Continued.
PERFORM skin decontamination. PERFORM self and buddy aid. PERFORM the procedures of immediate and operational decon. OPERATE in a chemical environment.

5 Introduction. If attacked with chemical or biological weapons, there may be little or no warning. The attack may contaminate large areas and reaction must be immediate to protect against contamination.

6 Characteristics of Chemical Agents (page.2).
Classified according to their effects & characteristics. Four classifications: Nerve Agents. Blister Agents. Blood Agents. Choking Agents.

7 Nerve Agents. Deadliest chemical agents known (death can occur within minutes) Enter into the body by: Breathing. Skin Contact. Eye Absorption.

8 Table (page 2)

9 Mild Symptoms (pages 2 &3)
Unexplained runny nose. Sudden headache. Excessive flow of saliva. Tightness in chest. Difficulty seeing. Muscular twitching. Stomach cramps. Nausea. Excessive sweating.

10 Severe Symptoms Strange / confused behavior Gurgling breathing sounds
Severely pinpointed pupils Red tearing eyes Vomiting. Severe muscle twitching. Loss of bladder / bowel control Convulsions. Stoppage of breathing.

11 Nerve Agent Treatment Self Aid - If you experience most or all of the mild symptoms of nerve agent poisoning. Immediately hold your breath and don your protective mask. Administer (1) Atropine and (1) 2 PAM CI injections into your lateral thigh muscle ( or buttocks ).

12 Nerve Agent Treatment Note:
Navy personnel are issued (3) atropine and (3) 2PAM CL. and (1) CANA auto-injectors each. (complete set is referred to as the Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (NAAK).

13 Steps for Injection (pages 3 to 9)
Don and clear mask Remove one set of auto-injectors. Remove safety cap from atropine. Inject thigh or buttocks, hold for 10 sec. Remove safety cap from 2 PAM CL. Inject in the same manner as with Atropine




17 Attach used injectors to the front pocket flap of protective overgarmet.
Massage the injection site if time permits

18 Steps for Injection (pages 3 to 9)
Warning: within min. after administering injections, your heart beats rapidly and mouth becomes dry, DO NOT give another set of injections. Note: if you are able to walk without assistance, know who you are and where your are, you WILL NOT need the second set of injections.

19 Steps for Injection Note: if however you continue to have symptoms min. after one set of injections, you are experiencing SEVERE symptoms and will require buddy aid. Seek buddy to check symptoms and administer second set of injections if needed. Note: While waiting between sets of injections you should decon yourself if necessary and put on remaining protective clothing.

20 Nerve Agent Treatment (page 7)
Buddy-Aid - Casualties with severe symptoms WILL NOT be able to treat themselves. No more than three sets of antidote are administered. Buddy-aid also includes administering the CANA with the third set of injections to prevent convulsions.



23 Attach used injectors to the front pocket flap of protective overgarmet.

24 Blister Agents (page 9) Cause inflammation, blisters, and destruction of tissues Enter into. the body by: Breathing. Skin contact. Eye absorption.

25 Table (pages 9 & 10)

26 Symptoms. (page 9) Little or no pain at time of exposure.
Signs of injury may not appear for several hours.

27 Blister Agent Treatment (page. 10)
Self-aid - Use the M291 or flush rapidly with large amounts of water. Note: Blister agent in eyes requires immediate flushing with water. Buddy-aid - If blisters appear, seek medical attention.

28 Blood Agents (page. 10) Prevent normal transfer of oxygen to tissues.
Enter the body by breathing.

29 Table

30 Mild Symptoms (page 11) Irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat
Coughing. Tightness. in chest Headache. Vertigo (whirling feeling) Nausea.

31 Severe Symptoms (page 11)
Unconsciousness. Failing respiration. Convulsions. Coma. Loss of bladder and / or bowel control Death.

32 Blood Agent Treatment No field treatment, immediate masking is essential.

33 Choking Agents (page 12) Irritate and inflame tissues from the nose to the lungs, causing choking Enter the body by breathing.

34 Table (page 12)

35 Symptoms (page 12) Symptoms during and immediately after exposure may include: Coughing. Tightness in chest. Choking. Nausea. Occasionally vomiting. Tearing of eyes. Headache.

36 Symptoms (Cont.) A symptom-free period, followed by symptoms of pneumonia. Commonly last 2 to 24 hours, but may be shorter.

37 Choking Agent Treatment
Self-aid - Mask immediately, continue the mission. Buddy-aid - If severe symptoms appear 2 to 24 hours later, seek medical attention.

38 Characteristics of Biological Agents.
Classified by : Type. Uses. Operational effects. Physiological action

39 Biological Agents Pathogens - Bacteria - Rickettsia - Viruses Toxins
- Neurotoxins - Cytotoxins * Both will have little or no odor * Both can be deadly shortly after contact

40 Pathogens (page 13) Living microorganisms (germs) Enter the body by :
Skin Respiratory tract Digestive tract Illness may not appear for days Three types are : Bacteria Rickettsia Viruses.

41 Bacteria gonorrhea food poisoning scarlet fever syphilis. anthrax
Cause diseases such as : anthrax gonorrhea food poisoning scarlet fever syphilis.

42 Rickettsia Produce diseases such as : Typhus Spotted fever.

43 Viruses (page 13) Cause diseases that resemble : Flu (mild cases)
Chronic infections

44 Biological Agents Pathogens - Bacteria - Rickettsia - Viruses Toxins
- Neurotoxins - Cytotoxins

45 Toxins Poison produced as by-products by : Pathogens Plants Animals.
Toxin poisoning will mimic chemical agents symptoms.

46 Toxins Two basic groups are : Neurotoxins Cytotoxins
Neurotoxins (“nerve toxins”) produce nerve agent symptoms. Cytotoxins (“cell toxins”) produce choking, blister, or radiation like symptoms.

47 Biological Agent Treatment (pages 13 & 14)
The best way to prevent yourself from being a biological casualty is to practice some preventive measure to include. Physical condition Personal hygiene Area sanitation Immunization Note: Treatment of biological agent or toxin casualties requires medical attention as soon as possible.

48 Table 1-3-5 (page 14) LD 50 (Parts per Kilogram)

49 Recognizing an Attack (page 15)
Little or no warning You must be familiar with : Delivery systems Attack indicators Agent detection Alarms and signals

50 Delivery Systems Chemical Agent Delivery Systems include:
Ground bursting air contaminating non-persistent Air Bursting ground contaminating persistent Aircraft Spray ground contaminating persistent

51 Delivery Systems Biological Agent Delivery Systems Systems include:
Aerosol- (generator, spray or explosion) Targeting the respiratory system. Vector- (fleas, lice, ticks, and mosquitoes) Transfers pathogens through break in the skin. Covert- (sabotage of food and water supplies) Targeting the respiratory and digestive tract.

52 Attack Indicators (page 16)
Mist or Fog by aircraft Aerial bombs that pop Low order munitions Dead animals Chemical agent symptoms Mysterious illness in epidemic numbers Large numbers of insects NBC contamination markers

53 U.S. and NATO Chemical Contamination Markers
Faces Away from Contamination Faces Toward Contamination Yellow Background with Red Lettering Information on Marker: Name of Agent (if known) Date and Time of Detection

54 U.S. and NATO Chemical Contamination Markers
Faces Away from Contamination Faces Toward Contamination Blue Background with Red Lettering Information on Marker: Name of Agent (if known) Date and Time of Detection

55 U.S. and NATO Chemical Contamination Markers
Faces Away from Contamination Faces Toward Contamination Yellow Background with Red Lettering Information on Marker: Name of Agent (if known) Date and Time of Detection

56 Warsaw Pact Contamination Markers
C% = Nuclear [ = Biological ?% = Chemical Red Background Black Lettering Decontaminated Path (and its width) Area cannot be Decontaminated

57 Agent Detection (page 18)
Chemical Agents detected with : M8 paper M9 paper

58 M8 paper

59 M9 paper

60 Agent Detection Biological Agents have no reliable means of detection.

61 Alarms and Signals Rules for giving alarm: Don mask Give alarm
Use alarm that cannot be confused. All must repeat alarm Supplement alarm over nets.

62 Alarms and Signals Four types of signals are : Vocal Sound Visual

63 Vocal Alarm

64 Sound Signal Reinforce vocal alarm Metal to Metal Short blasts
10 sec. Warbling Siren

65 Visual Signal (page 19) Reinforce the sound and vocal signal

66 Audiovisual Signal M8A1 Chemical Agent Alarm (nerve agents only)
Radio and Field Phones Messenger

67 Immediate Actions (page 20)
Second nature Read steps on page 21 in Trainee guide Note: These steps assume you are in MOPP 1.

68 Immediate Actions 1) Don and clear mask. 2) Give alarm. 3) Take cover.
4) Put on Gloves and liners. 5) Secure hood, fasten smock openings. 6) Put on overboots, secure trouser legs. 7) Conduct immediate decon. 8) Continue mission.

69 Immediate Decon (page 21)
Immediate Decon is initiated by you without command, using your skin decon kit. Consists of: Skin Decon Personal Wipe down Operator Spraydown

70 M291 skin decon kit * Containing 6 decon packets * Olive drab wallet
* Filled with charcoal powder M291 skin decon kit Inspection: Loose powder 4 pack minimum

71 M258A1 skin decon kit Inspection: Tears in packets
#2 for broken ampoules M258A1 skin decon kit *Hard plastic olive drab case *Contains 6 packets (three #1 and three #2)

72 Skin Decontamination (page 21)
Chemical Contamination - decon within 1 min. Use M291 or M258A1. Note: Processes are the same for both kits. When using M258A1 use packets in sequence. Follow steps on page 23 (skin decon) Biological Contamination - Wash with soap and water.

73 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

74 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

75 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

76 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

77 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

78 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

79 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

80 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

81 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

82 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

83 Decontaminate Skin Using the M291 Kit (cont.)

84 Personal Wipdown (page. 25)
Process consist of wiping down your mask, gloves, and essential gear. Do not attempt to remove contamination from overgarment. Most effective within fifteen minutes. Note: If M258A1 is used you must reverse packet sequence.

85 Operator Spray Down (page 25)
Process consist of deconing all mission essential equipment. Decon all surfaces that you touch while operating equipment. Most effective when done with in fifteen minutes. Use an onboard portable decon apparatus. (such as the M11)

86 Operational Decon (page 25)
Operational Decon follows immediate decon. Operational decon consists of two elements, Vehicle washdown MOPP gear exchange.

87 Vehicle Washdown (page 26)
Vehicle washdown- Reduces transfer hazards and the spread of contamination. Done within the first six hours to be effective. Use hot soapy water.

88 MOPP Gear Exchange (Hasty Decon)
Accomplished by squad size elements. Unmasking may or may not be possible.

89 MOPP Gear Exchange (Hasty Decon)
MOPP gear exchange begins when a company supply vehicle unloads replacement overgarment and decontaminates at the decon site. Squad members pair up, forming a circle around lead team. Steps 1-8 (page 27)

90 Summary and Review Characteristics of Chemical Agents Nerve Agents
Blister Agents Blood Agents Choking Agents Characteristics of Biological Agents Pathogens Toxins

91 Summary and Review Recognizing an Attack Delivery Systems
Attack Indicators Agent Detection Alarms and Signals Immediate Actions Immediate Decon Skin Decon Kits Skin Decon Personal Wipedown Operator Spray Down

92 Summary and Review Self and Buddy Aid Operational Decon
Vehicle Washdown MOPP Gear Exchange

93 Protection Exercise (Job Sheet 1-3 page 1)
Performance Test ; test your knowledge and technical skill in the following: Inspection, maintains, donning, and doffing of chemical protective wear Recognizing attack indicators and apply defensive measures

94 Pre-Mishap Plan Call Training Time Out
Class Leader Hold Muster at V-Ball Court One Person call 2333 for Ambulance at Bldg.. 109

95 Pre-Mishap Plan Two Personnel Post to Direct Ambulance
Instructors Will Provide First Aid


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