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Dealing with: &. Heard it all before Put it to use Dig Deep Be an Inspiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with: &. Heard it all before Put it to use Dig Deep Be an Inspiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with: &

2 Heard it all before Put it to use Dig Deep Be an Inspiration

3 Student Needs a Loan for : “Semester Expensives” Reason for Request: “Need more fun” Appeal response: “I have met all stimulations for the previous semester…” “I had brock my leg & pulled a musale and I was in and out of the dr getting exrays and also I was on medicashion that gave me a hard time paying attion…” “The reason: -Classes were hard -hard to concentrate -couldn’t pay attention”

4 The thank you file The sweets & treats we’ve received from students The introduction to the students family The graduation invitation The simple smile and thank you

5 Don’t forget who we are working for “Lived off the land by picking up cans, and the kindness of strangers” “ I stay with friends and pay no rent, I receive SNAP benefits. I panhandle. Panhandling is embarrassing and illegal. I do not engage in this activity often. ”

6 Opinions formed in 7 seconds 11 impressions determine –Like Us, Dislike Us or Indifferent Largely determines the satisfaction of their experience.

7 Factors 1- Hygiene 2- Approachable (engaging) 3- Credible 4- Knowledgeable 5- Responsive 6- Friendly 7- Helpful 8- Understanding 9- Courteous 10- Confident 11- Professional

8 Linda Linda listen - YouTube

9 Listen, Listen, Listen Words Tone of Voice Body Language Feelings

10 Be sincere Use names Compliment—find a way! Build trust Appreciate them

11 Say Hello Small Talk The Magic Words Praise/Congratulate Be punctual Respect


13 Financial Aid is not for the weak (DATTD) Don’t Acronym Them To Death! Let them know we aren’t always the bad guy –Federal Regulations, State Statutes, Institutional Policies

14 Look for ways to help Be true to your word Don’t procrastinate

15 Avoid a simple No Remain hopeful, yet realistic Offer alternatives

16 Remove the audience Stop talking Reiterate Validate Kill them

17 Diffusing a Difficult Don’t take complaints personally Choose your words Change your tone & volume End on a positive note Know when enough is enough




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