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Introduction  Following Columbus’ voyage to America, Spain worked to gain control over North and South America  Explorers began making great strides.

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2 Introduction  Following Columbus’ voyage to America, Spain worked to gain control over North and South America  Explorers began making great strides in discovering new parts of the world  Leif Ericson  First European to discover America in th eyear 1000  Christopher Columbus  Re-discovers America, causing the Old and New worlds to interact for the first time.  Amerigo Vespucci  Mapped the New World and discovered it was its own continent; who the Amercias are named after.  Ferdinand Magellan  Led first voyage to circumnavigate the world  Hernan Cortes  Conquered the Aztec Empire  Francisco Pizzaro:  Conquered the Inca Empire

3 Columbian Exchange  Definition: Columbian Exchange  Transfer of animals, plants and disease from the “New World” and the “Old World  Transfer of animals, plants and disease from the “New World” and the “Old World”  Old World:  Africa, Asia and Europe  New World:  North and South America

4 Random Question  If we were to make a breakfast buffet for this class, what should we have for it?


6 Columbian Exchange  New World gifts:  Corn  Potatoes  Tomatoes  Pineapple  Tobacco  Pumpkins  Turkeys  Chocolate  Peppers

7 Columbian Exchange  Old World Gifts:  Cattle  Horses  Sheep  Wheat, Rice, Oats  Sugar cane  Bananas  Citrus Fruits  Coffee  Onions

8 Old World Advantages Disease  Main disease: Smallpox  Others: Measles and Typhus  Smallpox causes painful boils, fever, death  Europeans were unaffected because of immunities  Millions of Natives die from smallpox brought by Europeans

9 Old World Advantages  Technology  Guns/Cannons  Ships  Steel Armor  Horses  Faster than native domesticated animals  Carry supplies to battles

10 Old World Advantages  Significance: Cortes uses these advantages to conquer the Aztecs. Francisco Pizzaro will also use them to conquer the Inca

11 Encomienda System  Definition: Gave Spanish settlers the right to tax and demand labor from Native Americans  Settlers allowed to punish Natives anyway they wanted  Natives forced to adopt Catholicism

12 Encomienda System  System eventually failed because…  Natives were infected with Smallpox  Knew the land and escaped  Continually attacked settlements

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