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Presentation on theme: " Vulnerable Young People and Raising the Participation Age (RPA) April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vulnerable Young People and Raising the Participation Age (RPA) April 2013

2 Vulnerable Young People in context Raising the Participation Age

3 Its now the final academic year before RPA comes into effect The first phase of RPA – full participation of all young people until the end of the academic year they turn 17 – is coming into force in summer 2013. This rises to their 18 th birthday in summer 2015 It is more important than ever that all key partners are ready for this historic change Later this year, the participation age will increase

4 Statutory Guidance issued in March 2013 Full-time education in a school (including academy or free school) Other full-time education is set at a minimum of 540 guided learning hours (glh) to fit with new funding system No hourly requirement for home learning or re-engagement provision that leads to full- time education, Apprenticeship (or new traineeship) or a job with training Reminder of what RPA means

5 A job with training comprises full-time work (20 or more hours for eight or more consecutive weeks) and part-time education/training (280 hours) Full-time self-employment & volunteering (including holding a public office) is regarded in the same way as employment (caring may also be considered in this way) Local authorities are advised to work with employers employing young people without training – the government will not be commencing duties on employers in 2013 Reminder of what RPA means

6 Principles of effective re-engagement provision Personalised approach Clearly agreed outcomes Progress into sustained education or employment Underpinned by appropriate information and support Strong partnership working – in the interests of young people Further guidance on re-engagement

7 Source: National Client Caseload Information System (NCCIS), March 2013 Vast majority of young people are participating

8 There has been a rise in the proportion of young people in education and work- based learning, including for the 16-17 year old age group Participation in education and work-based learning at age 16 is increasing very slowly when we need to see faster increases as we prepare for RPA Its hard enough for young people generally, but for vulnerable young people its going to be more difficult But participation targets are challenging

9 The local picture

10 Position in London Key London strengths London has high participation levels in comparison to the rest of the country Some success in supporting a range of hard to reach groups of young people back into participation Strong attainment is a proven lever in encouraging future participation – London has improving attainment levels at GCSE and Level 2/3 by 19 Key London challenges High volume of Not Knowns A high rate of unemployment for London – 24.4% of 16-24 year olds High mobility across London Drop-out at 17 There are still several groups of vulnerable young people

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