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Data Director Basics August 23, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Director Basics August 23, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Director Basics August 23, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm

2  8:30-9:45Data Director Features and Capabilities  9:45-10:30Multiple Measures and Assessment Use  10:30-10:45Break  10:45-11:30Data points within Data Director  11:30-12:30Lunch  12:30-12:45Useful and Meaningful Data  12:45-2:00Practice and Application  2:00-2:15Data Sharing and Conversations  2:15-2:30Questions; Survey Agenda

3   Programs and Services  Data and Assessment  Data Director  Log In to Data Director  Note: Videos/Other Resources   Log in=first initial last name  Password for initial log in=pw12345  FERPA  District website shortcuts Data Director Access

4 Data Director Features and Capabilities  Application Switcher  Overview  Assessments  Reports  Curriculum  Students  Programs  Note: Application Switcher is located at top and bottom of page  Overview Page  Updates  All Students vs My Students  Staff without student rosters  Help  Change Sites

5 Assessments  Find Assessment  Subject  ELA versus Reading  Naming conventions  (2013-2014 4 th Grade Reading-QRI-September)  Assessment Id Number  Can’t find an assessment OR no data appears within an assessment?  Permissions/Sharing  Who created the assessment?  Create Assessment  Answer Sheet Assessment  Scanning documents  Standards linked to items  Depth of Knowledge for items  Number of items per standard  Label for items  Item Bank Assessment  Assess2Know or My Item Bank  Summary Assessment  Summary description  Excel-like  Column Descriptors  Calculation field  Note: Duplicates from year to year  Change date in 3 areas for duplicates. SAVE  Note: Adding materials

6 Reports  My Reports  Permissions/Sharing  Email users about Report  Shared Reports  Meeting Preparation  School Improvement, Grade Level, Departments, IEPs  Observations noted beforehand to make the best use of meeting time, colleague collaboration and planning for what’s next/intentional follow up  Pre-Built Reports  MEAP Strand and GLCE Analysis (example)  MME Strand Analysis (example)  Turn and Talk:  Describe a way that a Data Director Report could be useful.

7 Curriculum and Students  Curriculum  Browse  CCSS app (  Search  By standard code  Click on “+” sign to drill down to desired content area/grade level/standards  Students  Left menu  Advanced Search  District Entry Date  Teachers  Center Menu  Name  Grade  Period  Class lists with UICs  Individual Student Report  Multiple years of data  Note: Period scheduling for elementary

8 Programs  Create a Program  Add Teachers  Add Students  Link Assessments  If no data appears within an Assessment?  Share Program with others!  Note: Program participation does display on Individual Student Report  Turn and Talk:  Explain how a Data Director Program could be useful.

9 *Demographics *Perceptions *Student Learning *School Processes List 2 to 3 examples of each type of measurement that your school/district utilizes * Note: PDF available on the ISD website Multiple Measures of Data Victoria Bernhardt

10 Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI 10 Assessments OF Learning Assessments FOR Learning Assessments AS Learning For systems analysis & systems change Summative Teacher-directed; government directed After Teaching Teach-Test-Move On For Learning analysis & instructional change Interim Teacher-Directed & Student Involved During Teaching R 4 – Students Rethink, Revise, Resubmit; Teachers Re-teach differently Loop of Teach-Assess- Redo-Move On For Learning analysis & instructional change Interim/Formative Student-Led; Teacher Guided During Learning Students self-assess, self-monitor and “own” the assessment process and progress Loop of set goal, work, self-assess, self-adjust, continue

11 Define and give an example of each type of assessment and its use:  Summative  Interim  Formative  BREAK  Video: Differentiated Instruction and Formative Assessment Video: Differentiated Instruction and Formative Assessment   What connections do you see with our work today? Assessment Use

12  What data do you see in Data Director?  Demographics:______________________________________  Perceptions:______________________________________  Student Learning:______________________________________  School Processes:______________________________________  Give an example of a data point that reflects the following assessment types?  Summative:______________________________________________  Interim:______________________________________________  Formative:______________________________________________ Data Points


14  How do we know what data points to put in Data Director?  What are the criteria for Quality Data?  Reliability-repeatable and consistent scores  Validity-measures what is intended (specific skills/expectations-aligns with performance verbs/nouns)  Context-range that determines meaning (performance)  Purpose-reason that the data is important  Specificity-represent one point of information  Source-origin of data Useful and Meaningful Data

15  What data would you find useful and meaningful?  Why?  What data would be helpful to have for the beginning of the school year?  This afternoon’s work=Practice and Application  Options:  Create an Answer Sheet Assessment-link standards, DOK, item types, view answer document  Create a Summary Assessment-Add “sample” data to review-pre/post calculation  Create a Custom Report specifically to answer a question-make observations about data  Create a Program-Add teachers/students/link assessments  Work through the Data Director Training Checklist  EVERYONE-PLEASE “Share” your work with someone and let them know what you are sharing with them and why. Useful and Meaningful Data

16  Webb’s Depth of Knowledge  Chart   Webb’s Depth of Knowledge for Four Content Areas-pdf  Quality Rubrics   Smarter Balanced Practice Assessments   Formative Assessment  A Favorite Formative Assessment: The Exit Slip-pdf  Chocolate Chip Cookie Scoring Guide Assessment Resources

17  Permissions and Sharing within Data Director  Adding materials to assessments  Excel and PDF formats  Balanced Assessment System-student growth  Data and Assessment calendar  Custom Report creation and review before scheduled meetings  Data recording versus data use  Will data discussion focus on curriculum, instruction, quality of assessment?  Intentional follow up-by whom? When?  Sharing data with all stakeholders (students, parents, staff) Data Sharing and Conversations

18  Please complete the survey following our session today. Survey

19  Brad Hess   Paula Gates   Susan Townsend  Contact Information

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