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Integrity S By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists N O I T A R B E L E C.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrity S By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists N O I T A R B E L E C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrity S By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists N O I T A R B E L E C

2 Celebrating integrity CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 2

3 Transparency and trustworthiness CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 3

4 “Honesty means…you don’t lie?” CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 4

5 CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 5 Hillary & Norgay

6 CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 6 Hillary & Norgay

7 Integrity and public health CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 7

8 CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 8 Integrity and public health

9 Effects of immunization on public health CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 9

10 It’s a matter of integrity to balance personal biases and desires against community needs CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 10

11 Ensure that all have a voice CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 11

12 Integrity and personal health CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 12

13 Act on principles, not opinions CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 13

14 Michelangelo … “the world’s frivolities have robbed me”… CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 14

15 They ignored the dangers CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 15

16 Integrity can help us avoid problems CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 16

17 HIV/AIDS has raised questions of corporate integrity CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 17

18 Integrity is the foundation CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 18

19 Mercy and forgiveness CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 19


21 Do I consider myself to be an honest person? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 21

22 What moral values have I adopted that prevent me from doing anything that would conflict with that code of honor? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 22

23 What sources have formed that set of values? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 23

24 When considering my own personal health, do I also take into account the needs of the community and how my choices could affect others? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 24

25 What choices have I made with respect to personal hygiene, such as hand washing and staying away from contact with others when ill, have positively affected my community? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 25

26 What practices for my own pleasure am I ashamed of because of the negative effects they may have on someone else? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 26

27 A local church health ministries leader regularly presents lectures to the church members in which she advocates a total vegetarian diet. CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 27

28 She also favors an organic diet, although she is aware that many of the members cannot afford the higher prices for organic foods. CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 28

29 Sometimes, however, she invites others to go with her to an ice cream parlor where she enjoys ice cream as a “special treat.” CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 29

30 What lifestyle practices do I have that may conflict with what I “preach?” Am I truly “walking the talk?” CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 30

31 What can I do to ensure that others trust what I say to them is in their best interest and not just my way of pushing my own personal beliefs? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 31

32 Am I promoting any health practices, dietary principles, etc., that would be unsuitable for a given situation in which I am not involved? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 32

33 Do I grant others the ability to hold their own opinions, even when I am sure I am right? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 33

34 What personal choices fly in the face of evidence but are comfortable or desirable just because they are what I want to do? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 34

35 What evidence presented in this book have I disregarded because it would be difficult or unpleasant to have to fit certain practices into my lifestyle? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 35

36 Have I violated my code of honor? Do I admit my wrongdoing? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 36

37 What do I do with the guilt I feel because I have not lived up to my values? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 37

38 Do I punish myself by dwelling on my guilt or fall into a cycle of repeating the behavior again and again? Or can I accept the mercy and forgiveness that Jesus freely offers? CELEBRATIONS®Integrity 38

39 This presentation is created and distributed by the Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904 This presentation is shared for educational purposes only. The content, graphics, and pictures of each slide and the whole presentation must be kept intact if shared with other Health Ministries entities, including this page. Thank you for using and sharing only in a responsible manner. Superscripts denote references listed in the back of the book, “CELEBRATIONS.” CELEBRATIONS® Integrity 39

40 Imagery supplied by Carole Gomez; poco_bw; Zoonar RF; BananaStock; Daniel Deitschel; Jupiterimages; Paul Hakimata; Lucian Coman; David Davis; Jack Hollingsworth; Maria Teijeiro; Amos Morgan; Kevin Peterson; Holger Mette; (Thinkstock). CELEBRATIONS® Integrity 40

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