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Begin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 PotpourriTermsConflictFrenchWorkPeople.

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2 Begin

3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 PotpourriTermsConflictFrenchWorkPeople

4 C1-$100 People People - $100 Puritan Theologian of the Great Awakening, who is considered to be the deepest theological thinker produced in America Jonathan Edwards

5 C1-$200 People People - $200 The person most often called the “first civilized American” was ____ Benjamin Franklin

6 C1-$300 People People - $300 When he became prime minister during the French and Indian War, he focused his military strategy on the capture of French Canada. William Pitt

7 C1-$400 People People - $400 He was an electrifying preacher who embodied the spirit of the Great Awakening. George Whitefield

8 C1-$500 People People - $500 Colonial newspaper printer who was accused of seditious libel, was found innocent of the charges brought against him and printed comments accusing the royal governor of corruption. Peter Zenger

9 C2-$100 Potpourri Potpourri - $100 Name 3 African-American contributions to American culture the banjo, jazz music, bongo drums, the guitar

10 C2-$200 Potpourri Potpourri - $200 This admitted to baptism but not full church membership the unconverted children of existing Puritan members The half way covenant

11 C2-$300 Potpourri Potpourri - $300 This led to the founding of Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers colleges, split colonial churches into several competing denominations, undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies and was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people. The Great Awakening

12 C2-$400 Potpourri Potpourri - $400 The immediate purpose of the this meeting in 1754 was to keep the Iroquois tribes loyal to the British. Albany Congress

13 C2-$500 Potpourri Potpourri - $500 The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was __________, whereas __________ was the least ethnically diverse. the middle colonies, New England

14 C3-$100 Terms Terms - $100 These in colonial America; defined slavery as lifetime servitude, inheritable servitude and usually forbade whites from teaching slaves to read or write Slave codes

15 C3-$200 Terms Terms - $200 Thomas Jefferson once observed that “the best school of political liberty the world ever saw” was the New England Town Meeting

16 C3-$300 Terms Terms - $300 These were the result of unsettled social and religious conditions in rapidly evolving Massachusetts. Salem Witch Trials

17 C3-$400 Terms Terms - $400 When the British Parliament passed this in 1733, it intended the act to inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies. Molasses Act

18 C3-$500 Terms Terms - $500 In the wake of the this, American colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation altogether. Proclamation of 1763

19 C4-$100 Conflict Conflict - $100 The animosity between lordly land holder’s and aspiring merchants fired this insurgency that rocked New York from 1689-91 Leisler’s Rebellion

20 C3-200 Conflict Conflict - $200 The French and Indian War was also known in Europe as this the Seven Years’ War

21 C3-$300 Conflict Conflict - $300 This 1759 Battle ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American history Battle of Quebec

22 C3-$400 Conflict Conflict - $400 During a generation of peace following the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Britain provided its American colonies with ___ Salutary neglect

23 C3-$500 Conflict Conflict - $500 For the American colonies, this War ended the myth of British invincibility. French & Indian War

24 C4-$100 French French - $100 Claimed the great interior basin of North America “Louisiana” for the French Robert de La Salle

25 C4-$200 French French - $200 The coureurs de bois were French Fur trappers and explorers

26 C4-$300 French French - $300 The soldier and explorer whose leadership earned him the title “Father of New France” was Samuel de Champlain

27 C4-$400 French French - $400 When the Acadians left Canada, they went to Louisiana. There they were (are) called ___ Cajuns

28 C4-$500 French French - $500 With the defeat of him, his alliance and the French, the British decided to stabilize Indian-white relations. Chief Pontiac

29 C4-$100 Work - $100 During the seventeenth century, ______ solved the labor problem in many English colonies Indentured servitude

30 C4-$200 Work - $200 This made some people very wealthy, entailed giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America. Headright system

31 C4-$300 Work - $300 The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was lumbering

32 C4-$400 Work - $400 The most honored profession in early colonial society was ministry

33 C4-$500 Work - $500 One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain.

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