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UNIT 1 TEST REVIEW U.S. History. SSUSH1 U.S. History.

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2 SSUSH1 U.S. History

3 Colonial Standards A group of investors share risks & profits to settle colonies in the new world Joint Stock Company

4 Colonial Standards Joint Stock Company that founded first permanent English colony Virginia Company

5 Colonial Standards First permanent English settlement in the new world Jamestown

6 Colonial Standards Brown Gold; Cash crop that helped Jamestown survive and become wealthy Tobacco

7 Colonial Standards Native American chief that lived near Jamestown that was initially peaceful but relationship with colonist worsened Powhatan

8 Colonial Standards First representative government in the colonies? House of Burgesses

9 Colonial Standards Class conflict between frontier farmers and landed class in Virginia that resulted in a small scale war Bacon’s Rebellion

10 Colonial Standards Used by colonies in the South as a labor source due to the increase of labor intensive tobacco cultivation Slavery

11 Colonial Standards War in New England that resulted in a permanent defeat and removal of Native Americans from Massachusetts King Phillip’s War

12 Colonial Standards Example of direct democracy and government by the people in New England Town Meetings

13 Colonial Standards Banished from Massachusetts for religious beliefs and settled a colony based on separation of church & state Roger Williams

14 Colonial Standards Colony established by Roger Williams that exercised religious tolerance and paying natives for their land Rhode Island

15 Colonial Standards Puritans used this to increase the membership of their church by allowing non-voting members that did not have a Conversion experience Half-Way Covenant

16 Colonial Standards Series of court hearings over 150 Massachusetts colonists accused of witchcraft were tried: 29 convicted – 19 hanged Salem witch Trials

17 Colonial Standards British king cancelled this because this colony refused to obey Navigation Acts and argued it was a independent Corporate Colony Massachusetts Charter

18 Colonial Standards Originally New York was known by this name New Amsterdam

19 Colonial Standards The land currently known as New York was owned by Dutch

20 Colonial Standards Colony established by Quakers escaping religious persecution in England Pennsylvania

21 Colonial Standards Founder of Pennsylvania William Penn

22 Colonial Standards Colony established by Catholics escaping religious persecution in England Maryland

23 Colonial Standards Founder of Maryland Lord Cecilius Calvert

24 Colonial Standards Region of the colonies that was more commercial, industrial, and trade based in its economy New England Colonies

25 Colonial Standards Region of the colonies that was more agricultural, farming, and slave based in its economy Southern Colonies

26 Colonial Standards Reason the French settled Quebec Fur Trade




















46 SSUSH2 U.S. History

47 Colonial Standards Economic Theory that the best way to become a stronger nation was to acquire the most wealth. Mercantilism

48 Colonial Standards Under Mercantilism this was a favorable balance of trade Exports greater than Imports

49 Colonial Standards Under Mercantilism, Great Britain wanted this from the Colonies Natural Resources

50 Colonial Standards Under Mercantilism, Great Britain passed these to control Colonial goods and trade Navigation Acts

51 Colonial Standards Under the Navigation Acts, all goods heading to or from the colonies had to be transported this way British Ships

52 Colonial Standards Under the Navigation Acts, all goods heading to or from the colonies had to be transported here British Ports

53 Colonial Standards British restrictions on colonial trade were designed to keep the colonies from Competing against Britain in trade

54 Colonial Standards Great Britain’s use of mercantilism resulted in the? Colonization of North America by British Subjects

55 Colonial Standards This concept refers to the route of trade between the colonies and Europe? Transatlantic Trade

56 Colonial Standards This journey in the transatlantic trade carried slaves to North America? Middle Passage

57 Colonial Standards Example of social mobility and individualism in the American Colonies? Benjamin Franklin

58 Colonial Standards Christian worship that preached that Americans needed to turn away from the corruption of English society and separate from Great Britain? Great Awakening

59 SSUSH3 U.S. History

60 Colonial Standards War between Great Britain and France over territory in North America in 1754 French & Indian War

61 Colonial Standards This officially ended the French & Indian War Treaty of Paris 1763

62 Colonial Standards At the end of the French & Indian War, Great Britain changed many of its policies in America because of this Debt

63 Colonial Standards First direct tax on the colonist by Britain in an attempt to pay the war debt Stamp Act

64 Colonial Standards Colonial slogan used to express why they believed they should not have to pay taxes “No Taxation without Representation”

65 Colonial Standards American colonist responded to the Stamp Act using this strategy and made Britain repeal the act. Boycott

66 Colonial Standards Attempt by King George III to keep colonist from crossing Appalachian Mountains Proclamation of 1763

67 Colonial Standards Reason King George III Issued the Proclamation of 1763 Keep down conflict with Native Americans

68 Colonial Standards Response of colonist to the Proclamation of 1763 Went anyway

69 Colonial Standards British law that required colonists to print newspapers, documents, playing cards with a special stamp Stamp Act

70 Colonial Standards Group formed to oppose British actions colonist felt unfair. Dumped tea in harbor to oppose Tea Act. Sons of Liberty

71 Colonial Standards Event where Sons of Liberty dressed up like Native Americans and dumped tea in harbor to oppose Tea Act. Boston Tea Party

72 Colonial Standards Group that helped in colonial resistance by weaving fabric during boycotts to supply fabric to colonist. Daughters of Liberty

73 Colonial Standards Response to Boston Tea Party when Great Britain closed ports of Boston, forced troops to be housed in colonial homes, tried accused people in British courts Intolerable Acts

74 Colonial Standards Meeting called by colonists to protest the intolerable acts. Resulted in colonial militias formed to resist acts and an olive Branch petition sent to King George First Continental Congress

75 Colonial Standards Groups formed from different colonies to secretly meet to deal with British actions. 1 st organization linking colonies in opposition to British rule Committees of Correspondence

76 Colonial Standards Small pamphlet that convinced many colonist to support independence form Great Britain Common Sense

77 Colonial Standards Author of Common Sense Thomas Paine

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