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Iron Ore Group, Eastern Indian Craton Asish Basu University of Rochester New York 14627.

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Presentation on theme: "Iron Ore Group, Eastern Indian Craton Asish Basu University of Rochester New York 14627."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iron Ore Group, Eastern Indian Craton Asish Basu University of Rochester New York 14627

2 Geological map of the Eastern Indian Craton in the Singhbhum- Orissa region of the Indian continent (see inset) modified after [13] and [17]. The current study area is to the north of Bonai Granite. The sandstones of this study are from the Darjing group, west of Singhbhum Granite. Samples analyzed are from a sedimentary succession shown by the crossed box. Abbreviations: OMG, Older Metamorphic Group; OMTG, Older Metamorphic Tonatile Gneisses. The ages of the relevant rocks are: Tamperkola Granite, ~2.8 Ga; Bonai Granite, ~3.2 Ga; Singhbhum Granite Complex, ~ 3.1 Ga; OMTG, ~3.3 Ga; OMG, ~ 3.3Ga. See text for geologic- lithologic details.




6 Nb/Ta ratios vs. Zr/Sm ratios of the analyzed sandstones compared to the Archean tonalite- trondhjemite gneisses (TTGs) and present day continental crust and adakites. Also shown are modern day MORBs, OIBs, and island arc basalts (IABs)[38]. The sandstones of this study are identical to Archean TTGs, indicating that the protoliths of the sandstones formed in similar petrotectonic environment.


8 Iron Ore Group Upper Lava } 3 Km Upper Shale with Mn Ore Banded Iron Ore ~0.7 Km Lower shale and tuff ~1.9 Km Tuffaceous rocks ~30m at the top; gradational with Lower Shale Lower Lava ~3 Km



11 Th/U = 1.7 to 2.5 0.5 mm




15 Age = 3.4Ga  Nd(T) = -4.9  Nd(0) = -38.2



18  Nd(3.4Ga) = +2.8 to +6.8  Nd(3.4Ga) = +0.4 to +3.8  Nd(3.4Ga) = +0.8 to +6.0

19 Geological map of the Eastern Indian Craton in the Singhbhum- Orissa region of the Indian continent (see inset) modified after [13] and [17]. The current study area is to the north of Bonai Granite. The sandstones of this study are from the Darjing group, west of Singhbhum Granite. Samples analyzed are from a sedimentary succession shown by the crossed box. Abbreviations: OMG, Older Metamorphic Group; OMTG, Older Metamorphic Tonatile Gneisses. The ages of the relevant rocks are: Tamperkola Granite, ~2.8 Ga; Bonai Granite, ~3.2 Ga; Singhbhum Granite Complex, ~ 3.1 Ga; OMTG, ~3.3 Ga; OMG, ~ 3.3Ga. See text for geologic- lithologic details.

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