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Objective 7.03 Identify Special Dietary Needs

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1 Objective 7.03 Identify Special Dietary Needs
Teen Living Notes Study for test on obj

2 Special Diets Food Allergies - Carefully read food labels to avoid eating products containing foods you might be allergic too. Most common foods people are allergic too: Eggs - wheat Shell food - soybeans Nuts - milk * Most common Allergic reaction symptoms include: stomach pain, diarrhea, rashes, itching, swelling, or nasal congestion

3 Special Diets Osteoporosis – a condition developed later in life due to lack of high calcium foods eaten when one was young. Bones lose their density (strength) and become brittle. Foods high in complex carbohydrates will provide the body with energy for longer periods of time. Examples: pasta’s, bread’s, and rice dishes.

4 Special Diets Lactose intolerance – unable to digest lactose, the form of sugar that is found in milk and milk products. People who cannot digest lactose have low levels of that enzyme. When people eat dairy products, they will experience gas, bloating, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. Foods to avoid: milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, and sour cream.

5 Special Diets Diets for Pregnant Women: Expecting Mother’s need to get extra folic acid into their diet. This will reduce the risk of certain birth defects in the unborn baby. During pregnancy, nutrient needs increase as the fetus grows and develops. A pregnant woman should increase intake of minerals and vitamins into her diet.

6 Special Diets To help reduce the risks of developing some types of cancer, eat a diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. They have a high source of antioxidants in them, which are natural agencies that protect the body cells and immune system from harmful chemicals found in foods, the air, and tobacco smoke.

7 Special Diets Diabetes – disorder in the body which cannot adequately control blood sugar levels. People who have been diagnose with Diabetes cannot eat a lot of foods high in carbohydrates, due to the fact that these foods are high in starches and once eaten within the body they turn into sugars, making their insulin levels too high.

8 Special Diets High Blood Pressure – person should limit the amount of salt, sodium, and fats into their diet. Can lead to heart diseases Athletes Diet: Dehydration – excessive loss of body fluids. When playing sports, make sure you drink lots of tap or bottled water. To allow the body time to digest food before a competition, eat 3 to 4 hours before a game.

9 Special Diets Senior Citizens: Require fewer calories
Adulthood: require more exercise to speed up the body’s metabolism (or eat less in order not to gain weight) Adolescent: The nutrient “protein” is so important in a teen’s body. The body is growing (building up) and repairing body tissue cells. Childhood: Eating habits and attitudes toward foods are being established during this stage in life. Important to train a child to eat healthy. Preschooler: teaching good eating habits when you offer regular meals during the correct meal times.

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