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Welcome to Open House at Collegiate Prep! 5TH GRADE 2015/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House at Collegiate Prep! 5TH GRADE 2015/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House at Collegiate Prep! 5TH GRADE 2015/2016

2 5th Grade Educators  Professor Brown–ELA  Professor Edwards –Math  Professor Fitzgerald –Science  Professor Guyton–S.S.

3 Instructional Schedule  7:00-7:30–Breakfast  7:30-8:49–1 st Period  8:53-10:12– 2 nd Period  10:16-11:35–3 rd Period  11:39-11:54–Recess  12:00-12:30- Lunch  12:34-1:56– 4 th Period  2:00-3:00– PE/AVID/Music (teacher conference)  3:00- Dismissal Procedures

4 A.V.I.D. – The Goal of Being Premier!   W riting to learn  I nquiry  C ollaboration  O rganization  R eading to learn

5 Planners/Agendas  Agendas are another form of communication between school and home.  Inside you can find weekly expectations, homework, class assignments, notes home, etc.

6 Technological Devices  Scholars will be notified on when to bring devices, as directed by their teacher. Devices, with wireless capabilities, are best used in the classroom. This provides a “computer lab” experience, within the classroom.  Scholars have a username and password, as provided by the district, and will have controlled access to the internet.  Uses for technology may include:  Research within the content area  “Games” to reinforce learning  Collaborative exercises  Video Streaming  Possible vehicle for “Flipped Instruction” Using technology in the classroom helps students to :Prepare for the workplace, achieve academic goals, and prepare for future educational plans.

7 Attendance & Tardies  If your child is absent, please submit an excuse/note online (Skyward) or to the office when they return.  Your child is considered tardy after 7:30am. Three tardy passes equal an absence.  Each marking period we will celebrate scholars’ perfect attendance.

8 Dress Code  Black or red collared shirts (with the Prep Crest) may be worn any day of the week, with kakis or black pants/shorts/skirts.  Spirit or college shirts may be worn, on Fridays, with jeans.  Shorts and skirts must reach knees.  Sneakers, or shoes appropriate for running, must be worn on days they have PE. No sandals or flip-flops at school.

9 Grading system A = 90-100 * B = 80-89 * C = 70-79 * F = Below 70  Subject: Math  Subject: Social Studies  Subjects: Science  Subjects: Reading/Language Arts Categories: Daily Work 50%, Tests 40%, Homework 10% Homework will be assigned in class as needed by teacher

10 Homework  Homework will be assigned in class as needed by teacher.  If homework is assigned it will be posted to the teacher’s calendar and written in the scholar’s planner.  Please note home work is sometimes given with basic instruction to allow students to be creative with how they present their knowledge and mastery.  Time Management is important as we help our scholars develop knowledge and skills. Please help your scholar understand the importance of time management.

11 Rules and Expectations  Be respectful  Be responsible  Follow directions the first time

12 Consequences  Verbal Warning  Loss of privilege (recess, device time, PE)  Phone call home  Detention  Parent Conference

13 Want to volunteer?  If you’re interested in being a volunteer, please let us know. Register online, through the district, under parent portal.  If you’d like to sit in on a lesson or assist, give us a call and we will make an appointment!

14 Join PTA! (Parent and Teacher Association)  They do so much for us and our scholars!  Sign Up today!

15 Remind101  Remind101 is a free tool that allows teachers and administrators to quickly and safely keep in contact with their scholars/families via text message. The Professor can instantly broadcast a message to an entire list of addresses, or to a select few. The Professor never has to reveal her own personal phone number, and scholars/families cannot reply to the texts that come from Remind101. Remind101  Mrs. Brown- text 81010 with the message @dbb13be  Mrs. Fitzgerald-text 81010 with the message @mfitzgera  Mr. Guyton-text 81010 with the message @bguy  Mr. Edwards-81010 with the message @89eb41

16 Class DOJO!  Please sign up for Class Dojo if you have not  Check Class Dojo daily for feedback on student behavior  Download the app to your smart device

17 From your 5th Grade Professors: For personal Questions and Concerns Please set up a parent conference with teachers

18 Stay in touch…  Email & Extensions  Ext.6317  Ext.6341  Ext.6331  Ext.6352

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